Billboards shall be permitted only as a use by special exception when approved by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with the procedures and criteria contained in Section 1309.07 and provided all of the following requirements are met:
(a) Location. Billboards shall only be permitted on Pennsylvania Route 48 (Jacks Run Road and Long Run Road) and on Lincoln Way to the East of its intersection with Route 48. Billboards shall only be permitted on properties on these highways which are zoned C-2 or I-1 and which meet all of the following additional requirements:
(1) Billboards shall be located only on that portion of the property that lies within 200 feet of the centerline of the highway to which the billboard is oriented.
(2) Billboards shall not be located within 500 feet of the boundary line of an "R" Residential District or within 500 feet of the property line of any public or private school property, such 500 feet being measured along the same roadway frontage from the center-most point of the billboard structure along a line parallel to the centerline of the roadway to which the billboard is oriented.
(3) Billboards shall maintain a lateral minimum spacing between any existing or proposed billboard structure of 750 feet measured along both sides of the street. Required spacing shall be measured from a point perpendicular to the center-most point of the billboard structure along a line parallel to the centerline of the roadway to which the billboard is oriented.
(4) The minimum front, side, and rear yard requirements applying to a principal use as set forth within the Zoning District in which the billboard is to be located shall apply to each billboard structure.
(5) The building coverage specified in the Zoning District shall apply to any lot upon which a billboard structure is located and shall be cumulative including any other structure and buildings on the same lot therewith.
(6) No billboard shall be erected in such a manner as to block the view from the road or street, of any existing business identification sign, residential or nonresidential structure, or limit or reduce the light and ventilation requirements under the Borough Building Code.
(7) No billboard shall be constructed within the clear sight triangle of the public street or road on which it is situated and shall not in any case obstruct or impede traffic safety.
(8) Billboards shall be freestanding and shall not be mounted on the roof, wall, or other part of a building or any other structure.
(b) Size and Height. A billboard shall have a maximum allowable Gross Surface Area of 300 square feet per sign face, provided all of the following additional requirements are met:
(1) A billboard shall have no more than two sign faces per billboard structure; however, the gross surface area of each sign face shall not exceed the 300 square foot maximum.
(2) The billboard structure may have sign faces placed back to back or in a V-shaped configuration on a single billboard structure.
(3) The dimensions of the gross surface area of the billboard's sign face shall not exceed twenty feet in total height or sixty feet in total length.
(4) A billboard structure shall have a maximum height above the curb of the roadway from which it is intended to be viewed of forty feet. However, the height of a billboard structure oriented to a depressed roadway shall be measured from the grade at the base of the billboard.
(c) Construction Methods. Billboards shall be constructed in accordance with applicable provisions of the White Oak Borough Building Code and shall meet all of the following additional requirements.
(1) A billboard structure shall have a maximum of one vertical support being a maximum of three feet in diameter or width and without bracing or vertical supports.
(2) A billboard sign face shall be independently supported and have vertical supports of metal which are galvanized or otherwise treated to prevent rust and corrosion.
(3) The one vertical support shall be capable of enabling the entire sign face to be able to withstand a minimum sixty mile per hour wind load.
(4) The entire base of the billboard structure parallel to the sign face shall be permanently landscaped with suitable shrubbery and/or bushes of minimum height of three feet placed in such manner as to screen the foundation of the structure.
(5) Landscaping shall be maintained by the sign owner in an attractive and healthy manner in accordance with accepted conservation practices.
(6) Permanent landscaping shall form a base and/or backdrop to the billboard sign when practical in the opinion of the Zoning Officer.
(7) All curbs and grading shall be in accordance with Borough Ordinances.
(8) No bare cuts are permitted on a hillside.
(9) All cuts or fills are to be permanently seeded or planted.
(10) A billboard with display lighting shall be constructed so that it does not glare upon adjoining property and shall not exceed a maximum foot candle of 1.5 upon the adjoining property.
(11) No billboard structure, sign, face, or display lighting shall move, flash, or emit noise. No display lighting shall cause distractions, confusion, nuisance or hazard to traffic, aircraft, or other properties.
(12) The use of colored lighting shall not be permitted.
(d) Maintenance.
(1) A billboard structure shall be entirely painted every three years.
(2) Every ten years, the owner of the billboard shall have a structural inspection made of the billboard by a qualified Pennsylvania Registered Engineer or Architect and shall provide to the Borough a certificate from the Engineer or Architect certifying that the billboard is structurally sound.
(3) Annual inspections of the billboard shall be conducted by the Borough to determine compliance or shall be removed within thirty days upon proper notification by the Borough.
(4) Billboards found to be in violation of this article shall be brought into compliance or removed within thirty days upon proper notification by the Borough.
(5) Billboards using removable paper or other materials shall be maintained in such condition as to eliminate loose or frayed material protruding or hanging from the structure.
(e) Permits. Prior to submission of an application for a Building Permit, the applicant for a billboard shall obtain and submit with the application, approvals from the County of Allegheny or the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), when applicable.
(f) Application Fees. The application shall be accompanied by an Application Fee in an amount equal to that set from time to time by Resolution of Borough Council.
(Ord. 2853. Passed 3-19-90.)
(Ord. 2853. Passed 3-19-90.)