(a) Sidewalk sales, truckload sales and other special outdoor sales or promotional events may be conducted on any vacant lot or any lot containing an existing retail business which is zoned C-1 or C-2, provided all of the following criteria are met:
(1) The transient retail business shall not be conducted for more than 120 days in any calendar year.
(2) Permission of the landowner shall be obtained.
(3) The activity shall not obstruct the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic nor shall it reduce the number of parking spaces available on the site.
(4) The transient merchant license required by Article 317 of the Codified Ordinances of the Borough shall be obtained.
(b) In commercially zoned districts, preparation and serving of food in an outdoor setting shall only be permitted if the following criteria are met:
(1) Permission of the landowner shall be obtained.
(2) All applicable requirements of the Allegheny County Health Department shall be met.
(3) The preparation and serving of food shall not be permitted on a vacant lot and shall only be permitted on the site of an existing business.
(4) The area used for preparing and serving the food shall not obstruct any sidewalk or public right of way nor shall it obstruct the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on the site or adjoining the site.
(5) The area used for preparing and serving the food shall not reduce the number of parking spaces available on the site.
(6) The activity shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Borough Fire Code.
(7) The site intended to be used for preparation and serving of food shall provide restroom facilities available to the public, unless the existing business on the site has restroom facilities which are available to the public.
(8) The preparation or serving of food which is part of a special event that does not exceed seventy-two hours in duration shall be exempt from the requirement to obtain an occupancy permit. All other uses involving the preparation and serving of food for a period in excess of seventy-two hours shall obtain the Use and Occupancy Certificate required by Section 1305.07 of this Ordinance from the Borough Zoning Officer.
(9) If applicable, the transient merchant license required by Article 317 of the Codified Ordinances of the Borough shall be obtained.
(Ord. 2942. Passed 7-19-93.)