Developers of designed multiple dwelling projects shall submit to the Planning Commission the following documentation to assist the Commission in rendering a report and recommendation to the Zoning Hearing Board:
   (a)   Maps of a scale no smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing:
      (1)   Proposed topography at intervals no less than five feet and extending a distance of fifty feet beyond the lot lines of the project:
      (2)   Proposed private street layout;
      (3)   Proposed location of all structures;
      (4)   Proposed location of all off-street parking and pedestrian walkways;
      (5)   Proposed location of all reservations for parks, parkways, playgrounds, schools, community facilities, utility easements and other open spaces; and
      (6)   Proposed location and development of any commercially zoned areas or recreation areas open to the public or persons resident outside of the proposed residential area, and attendant off-street parking;
   (b)   Preliminary plans of typical proposed types of dwelling units, including various sizes of apartments, at a scale no smaller than one-eighth of an inch equals one foot;
   (c)   Preliminary elevations of typical proposed principal buildings at a scale no smaller than one-eighth of an inch equals one foot or a perspective drawing showing the proposed character of the project;
   (d)   In lieu of submissions as required under subsections (a) and (c) hereof, a model, at a scale no smaller than one inch equals fifty feet may be submitted; and
   (e)   Written documentation clearly showing:
      (1)   Total number of dwelling units;
      (2)   Number of dwelling units in each building;
      (3)   Proposed gross and net densities for portions of areas set aside for various housing types;
      (4)   Total acreage of project and portions set aside for various housing types;
      (5)   Total off-street parking provided and amounts in each parking area, to serve housing and community facilities;
      (6)   Anticipated total population of finished project, including number of grade school and high school age;
      (7)   Anticipated total cost and total construction;
      (8)   Sequence and timing plan for carrying out the work;
      (9)   Alternative proposal if primary proposal proves unfeasible; and
      (10)   Demonstration of impact created by proposed development upon carrying capacity of streets adjacent to the project area and upon publicly-owned utilities serving the project.