(a)   Side Access.  The site shall have direct access to an arterial or collector road or shall have access thereto by means of a connecting road constructed primarily within the I-1 District to minimize impacts on local and/or residential roads.
   (b)   Lot Area.  A minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet shall be provided for every building hereafter erected in the I-1 District.
   (c)   Building Coverage.  For every lot used in whole or in part for commercial or industrial purposes, not more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot area shall be occupied by buildings.
   (d)   Front Yard. There shall be a front yard on each street on which a lot abuts which shall not be less than thirty feet in depth.
   (e)   Side Yards.  Each side yard shall not be less than ten feet in width, except along property lines adjoining single family use or zoning classification where the required side yard shall be thirty feet.
   (f)   Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard in each lot which shall not be less than thirty feet in depth, except on corner lots where there shall be no rear yard required.
   (g)   Height of Buildings.  See Section 1371.02.
(Ord. 2717.  Passed 2-10-86; Ord. 2942.  Passed 7-19-93.))