A building may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and no other:
(a) Permitted Uses By Right.
(1) Principal uses.
A. Multiple dwelling in combination with business use.
B. Retail store.
C. Personal service shop, including, but not limited to, tailor, barber, beauty, dressmaking, shoe repair, laundry, dry cleaners or similar enterprises providing services to persons, their apparel or personal effects.
D. Restaurant, tea room, caterer.
(Ord. 2717. Passed 2-10-86.)
E. Business or professional office, including single occupancy medical office, but not including designed medical center, as defined herein.
(Ord. 2874. Passed 12-17-90.)
F. Studio.
G. Confectionary or bakery store.
H. Coin-operated laundromat or valet shop.
I. Bank or other financial institution.
J. Public garage or community garage.
(2) Accessory uses.
A. Customary accessory uses on the same lot with a principal use authorized by right or by special exception in this District.
B. Signs, as authorized by Article 1375.
(b) Uses By Special Exception.
(1) Principal uses.
A. Medical clinic or medical office building subject to the express standards and criteria contained in Article 1355.
B. Day care centers, subject to the following express standards and criteria:
1. The building in which the Day Care Center is housed shall be located on a lot which has a minimum area of 20,000 square feet.
2. Safe access and areas for discharging and picking up children shall be provided.
3. Outdoor play areas for children shall be provided and shall be secured by a fence with a self-latching gate.
4. The general safety of the site proposed for a day care center shall be evaluated as it relates to the needs of small children.
5. The facility shall be licensed by the Commonwealth.
6. Day Care Centers which are proposed for the elderly or handicapped shall be designed to maximize accessibility for the clients. Indoor or outdoor recreational facilities shall be provided which are appropriate to the clients needs.
(Ord. 2717. Passed 2-10-86; Ord. 2874. Passed 12-17-90.)
C. Mortuary, subject to the following express standards and criteria.
1. The minimum site area shall be 20,000 square feet.
2. The site shall have frontage on and direct vehicular access to an arterial or collector road as defined by this Zoning Ordinance.
3. Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 1363.03.
4. All lighting shall be shielded away from adjacent properties.
5. All property lines adjoining residential use or zoning classification shall be screened by a buffer area as defined by this Zoning Ordinance which shall be at least four feet in depth measured from the property line.
D. Any use of the same general character as any of the uses permitted by right or special exception in this District, subject to the following express standards and criteria:
1. The impact of the use shall be equal to or less than any authorized use.
2. The use shall comply with all standards and criteria for similar uses permitted by right or special exception.
3. The use shall comply with the performance standards specified in Section 1371.15.
4. The use shall be consistent with the statement of intent and goals and objectives of this Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 2717. Passed 2-10-86.)