A building may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and no other:
   (a)   Permitted Uses by Right.
      (1)   Principal uses.
         A.   Any use permitted by right in the R-3 Residence District.
         B.   Two-family detached dwelling.
         C.   Single-family or two-family semi-detached dwelling, provided that the dwellings sharing party walls are constructed at the same time.
         D.   Multiple dwelling.
         E.   Community garage.
      (2)   Accessory uses.
         A.   Customary accessory uses on the same lot with a principal use authorized by right or by special exception in this District.
         B.   Signs, as authorized by Article 1375.
         C.   Home occupation, subject to Section 1323.02(a)(2)C.
         D.   Private garages. (Ord. 2717.  Passed 2-10-86.)
   (b)   Uses by Special Exception.
      (1)   Principal uses.
         A.   Any use authorized as a use by special exception subject to the applicable express standards and criteria in the R-3 Residence District, except conversion of dwellings and communication facilities  and tower sites as defined in this Zoning Ordinance.  (Ord. 3033.  Passed 4-15-96.)
         B.   Mobile home parks, subject to the following express standards and criteria:
            1.   The minimum site area required for a mobile home park shall be ten contiguous acres.
            2.   The site shall have frontage on and direct vehicular access to an arterial or collector road as defined by this Zoning Ordinance.
            3.   A minimum fifty foot yard clearance shall be maintained around the entire perimeter of the mobile home park site.
            4.   Individual mobile home lots shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Lot area:
6,000 square feet
Lot width:
60 feet
Interior yards:
25 feet from interior access roads 30 feet between parallel ends or sides of mobile homes or other principal buildings 15 feet between mobile homes and any accessory buildings.
            5.   Support and anchoring.  Individual mobile homes shall be placed upon suitable supports to insure the unit will remain level and free from structural damage.  Each mobile home shall be provided with an anchoring system to prevent and resist overturning or lateral movement caused by wind forces.  Such anchoring shall be equivalent to or exceed NFPA Standard No. 501A-1974 (ANSI A119.3-1975).
            6.   Skirting.  Each mobile home shall be skirted with an enclosure of compatible design and material.  Such skirting will provide adequate ventilation to inhibit the formation of moisture and decay.
            7.   Common facilities.  No less than ten percent (10%) of the mobile home park site shall be devoted to common facilities for passive and active recreation limited to use by the residents of the mobile home park.  Such common facilities may include, but shall not be limited to, community clubs, swimming pools, tennis courts, parks, playgrounds, shelters, hiking trails, hobby areas, laundries and service buildings for resident use.
            8.   Screening.  All property lines adjoining residential use or zoning classification shall be screened by a buffer area as defined by this Zoning Ordinance which is at least fifteen feet in depth measured from the property line.
            9.   Sidewalks at least three feet in width shall be provided along at least one side of the interior streets.
            10.   Interior streets shall be lighted.
         C.   Fraternal or social club or lodge, subject to the following express standards and criteria:
            1.   The minimum lot area required shall be 10,000 square feet.
            2.   The site shall have frontage on the direct vehicular access to a street defined by this Zoning Ordinance as arterial or collector.
            3.   The buildings and services shall be restricted to the members and their guests.
            4.   Activities shall not be advertised to the general public.
            5.   The club or lodge shall be operated by a nonprofit organization.
            6.   Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Article 1363.
            7.   All lighting shall be shielded away from adjacent properties.
            8.   Operations shall cease between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
            9.   All property lines adjoining residential use or zoning classification shall be screened by a buffer area as defined by this Zoning Ordinance which is at least six feet in depth measured from the property line.
            10.   All such uses shall be subject to the noise standards specified in Section 1371.15(c).
         D.   Nursing home, subject to the following express standards and criteria:
            1.   The minimum site required shall be one acre.
            2.   The facility shall be licensed by the Commonwealth.
            3.   Buildings shall have a bed capacity of not less than twenty beds and not more than 200 beds.
            4.   Nursing homes shall not be considered dwelling units and shall not be governed by the dwelling unit density requirements of the district in which they are located.
            5.   Adequate open space shall be provided for outdoor activity, consistent with the needs of the residents.
            6.   Outdoor lighting shall be shielded from adjacent properties.
            7.   Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 1363.03.
            8.   A buffer area, as defined by this Zoning Ordinance shall be provided along all property lines adjoining residential use or zoning classification.  The buffer area shall be at least six feet in depth as measured from the property line.
         E.   Mortuary, subject to the following express standards and criteria:
            1.   The minimum site area shall be 20,000 square feet.
            2.   The site shall have frontage on and direct vehicular access to an arterial or collector road as defined by this Zoning Ordinance.
            3.   Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 1363.03.
            4.   All lighting shall be shielded away from adjacent properties.
            5.   All property lines adjoining residential use or zoning classification shall be screened by a buffer area as defined by this Zoning Ordinance which shall be at least four feet in depth measured from the property line.
               (Ord. 2717.  Passed 2-10-86.)