No person or group of persons in attendance at the Park shall:
   (a)   Injure, deface, remove, cut or damage any of the trees, plants, shrubs, turf, buildings, structures, signs or fixtures or any other property of the Borough located within the Park;
   (b)   Litter any area of the Park with garbage, paper, bottles, cans or other waste material; nor shall they dispose of the same in any manner except in receptacles designated for such respective purposes;
   (c)   Kindle or maintain any fire in the Park except in fireplaces, or areas specially designated for that purpose and located by authority of the Recreation Board;
   (d)   Remove any bench, seat, table or other appliance from the Park or change the location thereof without permission of the Recreation Board;
   (e)   Injure, deface, destroy or remove any notice, rule or regulation posted at any place within the Park by authority of the Recreation Board or other proper authority of the Borough, nor shall any notice or placard be posted within the Park other than by authority of the Board or other proper authority;
   (f)   Set up any booth, table or stand for the sale of any article or service whatsoever within the limits of the Park without permission of the Recreation Board;
   (g)   Operate, stop or park any motor vehicle, bicycle or other means of conveyance except in the areas where permitted or designated by authority of the Recreation Board or operate the same in a reckless or negligent manner or in excess of any posted speed limit;
   (h)   Bring onto the premises, possess or consume any spirituous, malt, vinous or other alcoholic beverage within the area of the Park;
   (i)   Carry or discharge any firearm within the limits of the Park, excepting officers of the law in the performance of their duty;
   (j)   Play ball, swim, golf, pitch horseshoes, or quoits, engage in archery, launch, dock or land any boat, or participate in any other form of recreation, sporting endeavor or pastime, except in those areas which may be designated from time to time for that purpose by the Recreation Board;
   (k)   Bring into the Park any dog, pet or other animal unless specially permitted by the Recreation Board for exhibition, contest or show purposes; and when so specially permitted, shall be on leash, in cage or subject to other proper restraint and be accompanied by owner or other agent properly chargeable with its custody or possession;
   (l)   Disrobe or change clothing except in buildings or facilities made available for that purpose by the Recreation Board;
   (m)   Conduct himself in an indecent or boisterous manner within the Park so as to annoy any other person using the Park for recreational purposes;
   (n)   Use or attempt to use any facility or area of the Park without first having paid the permit or activity fee where required.
      (Ord. 821.  Passed 2-15-65.)