721.99  PENALTY.
   (a)   Whenever a minor shall first violate the terms hereof, it shall also be treated as a first offense by a parent.  For such first parental offense a parent shall be fined one hundred dollars ($100.00).  For a second subsequent offense by a parent the fine shall be increased to two hundred dollars ($200.00).  For a third subsequent offense and for any succeeding offenses thereafter, the fine shall be increased to an amount not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) in any instance.  The District Justice of the Peace or Magistrate, upon finding a parent guilty, shall sentence the parent to pay such fine and costs of prosecution, and upon refusal to pay such fine and costs, to be imprisoned for a period not exceeding ten days.  Community services may also be imposed when deemed appropriate.
(Ord. 3158.  Passed 2-21-00.)
   (b)   Any minor who shall violate any of the provisions of this article more than three times shall be reported by the Chief of Police to a society or organizations whose purpose it is to take charge of incorrigibles and delinquents, and proceedings shall then be taken under the applicable provisions of the Pa. Juvenile Act (11 P.S. Sec. 50-101 et seq.) and the Pa. Child Protective Services Law (11 P.S. Sec. 2201-2224), before the Juvenile Court for the treatment, supervision and rehabilitation of such minor.
   (c)   A like procedure before the juvenile authorities shall be followed in any case where the inposing of a fine or fines followed in any case where the imposing of a fine or fines upon a parent shall not be effective or where for any other reason the provisions of this article cannot be made effective by the imposing of penalties under this section.
   (d)   Any operator of an establishment and any agent or employee of any operator who shall violate the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be punishable as provided in subsection (a) hereof.
(Ord. 2028.  Passed 10-15-79.)