At the time the owner of Deteriorated Property applies for a building permit to make Improvements, he shall make written application for tax exemption under this article on a form provided by the Borough.
(a) The application for exemption must be in writing on the form provided by the Borough and must set forth the following information:
(1) The date on which the building permit was applied for with respect to the Improvement.
(2) The type of Improvement for which exemption is requested.
(3) A copy of the plan of the Improvement, including any building plans or site plans otherwise required by the Borough’s ordinances and regulations.
(4) The estimated actual cost of the Improvement.
(5) Such additional information as the Borough may require.
(b) The completed application shall be submitted to the Borough’s Manager. If the application for tax exemption meets the requirements of this article, the Borough shall forward a copy of the request to the Board or other appropriate assessment agency.
(c) The Board will inspect and assess the Improvement pursuant to its own rules, regulations and procedures and will certify its assessed valuation on the Improvement to the Borough and the owner of the Deteriorated Property. The Borough shall then exempt from real property taxation during the exemption period one hundred percent (100%) of the tax upon that assessed valuation attributable to the Improvement.
(d) Appeal from the assessed valuation placed upon the Improvement may be taken by the owner of the Deteriorated Property or the Borough pursuant to the applicable law.
(Ord. 2763. Passed 5-18-87.)
(Ord. 2763. Passed 5-18-87.)