(a)   No license fee shall be charged under this article to:
      (1)   Farmers selling their own produce;
      (2)   To the sale of goods, wares, and merchandise, donated by the owners thereof, the proceeds whereof are to be applied to any charitable or philanthropic purpose;
      (3)   To any manufacturer or producer in the sale of bread and bakery products, meat and meat products, or milk and milk products.
   However, any of the foregoing persons, associations, partnerships, firms or corporations are required to register with the Borough and are subject to all other provisions of this article.
   (b)   The Borough Manager upon recommendation of the Mayor is authorized to waive the license fee for those organizations, and individual solicitors for the same, which apply the donations and contributions to charitable or philanthropic purposes.  However, even if the license fee is waived, such person, association, partnership, firm or corporation is required to register with the Borough and is subject to all other provisions of this article.
(Ord. 2773.  Passed 10-19-87.)