(a) Any application for a building permit shall also be accompanied by a plan showing the proposed landscaping of the premises in addition to the other items required to be submitted with the application for a building permit. Proposals for landscaping may be shown on the site plan. The plan shall show what improvements and landscaping are to be completed on the entire premises and shall provide as a minimum requirement, ground cover of grass, plants or artificial materials on the portion of the premises not occupied by any building, driveway or parking area, excluding any portion of the premises left in its natural wooded state and not disturbed during construction and kept free of junk, debris, dangerous, objectionable or noxious matter. The requirements for landscaping shall be completed and growing within one year after completion of the building.
(b) All streets, driveways and parking areas on property used for purposes other than single-family residences shall be surfaced with concrete, bituminous asphalt, brick or other similar material.
(Ord. 2032. Passed 11-19-79.)
(Ord. 2032. Passed 11-19-79.)