A subdivision plat, consolidation plat or land development plan approved in accordance with these Subdivision Regulations shall be required for:
   (a)   Any development consisting of single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, townhouse units or other multi-family dwellings.  The subdivision plat for such a development shall show each lot occupied or intended to be occupied by one single-family dwelling or one two-family dwelling and the lot area to be occupied by townhouse units or multi-family dwellings;
   (b)   Any development consisting of townhouse units or multi-family dwellings or commercial, business or industrial structures and/or buildings in which one or more units or areas will be under separate and independent ownership or lease, including, but not limited to, condominiums and the like.  Plats and plans, including declaration plans, required by any statute of the Commonwealth for condominium developments may qualify as a plat or plan pursuant to these Subdivison Regulations;
   (c)   Any development consisting of the construction or reconstruction on a site for a business, commercial or industrial use in which one or more structures will be constructed for separate ownership or leasehold;
   (d)   The consolidation, as defined by Title Seven, of two or more lots, tracts or parcels of land for the purpose of one development;
   (e)   The subdivision, as defined by Title Seven, of any parcel, lot or tract of land in the Borough; and
   (f)   Any development in which the developer proposes or intends to construct streets or any other public improvement to be dedicated to the Borough for public use.
      (Ord. 2748.  Passed 11-17-86.)