1371.19  FENCES.
   (a)   When accessory to a residential dwelling, a fence no more than six feet in overall height, measured from the adjacent ground level to the highest point on the fence, shall be permitted to be located in the required rear or side yard.  The fence shall be constructed so that the finished surface of the fence faces out towards the adjoining property or street right of way.
(Ord. 2942.  Passed 7-19-93.)
   (b)   Decorative fences, such as split rail fences, which are at least seventy-five percent (75%) open and which are not used to continuously enclosed or secure property may be located in the required front yard, provided they shall not exceed four feet in height.
(Ord. 3505.  Passed 12-17-07.)
   (c)   When accessory to a nonresidential use or public or private recreational use, fences shall be a minimum of six feet in height and a maximum of ten feet in height and shall contain openings which equal fifty percent (50%) or more of the area of the fence, except where a screening fence is otherwise required by the Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 2874.  Passed 12-17-90.)