The developer of a community service or shopping center project, upon the issuance of a building permit, shall forthwith proceed with such project and complete the construction pursuant to the following schedule:
(a) Within the period of thirty calendar months next ensuing from the effective date of such building permit, the structural framing, including ceiling or roof beams shall be completed for at least fifty percent (50%) of the total floor area in all structures shown on the development plan.
(b) Within the period of forty-two calandar months next ensuing from the effective date of the building permit, all construction of all authorized floor space in structures, except for nonload bearing walls and final finish on interior walls, floors and ceilings and all supporting development of parking and loading areas, pedestrian access and other details shown on the development plan shall be completed and constructed in their entirety.
(Ord. 2717. Passed 2-10-86.)