(A)   All applicants for driving positions must submit to urine drug tests. A driver/applicant is not required to submit to urine drug tests if the town can verify that the driver has participated in a valid drug testing program within the preceding 30 days and, while participating in that program, was either tested within the past six months or participated in a random selection program for the previous 12 months.
   (B)   The town must also ensure that no prior employer of the driver has knowledge or records of a violation of the DOT alcohol rules within the previous six months.
   (C)   If the driver/applicant has an alcohol test result between .02 and .0399, he/she shall not be allowed to drive for 24 hours. The driver shall be removed from safety-sensitive functions and the applicant is not allowed to operate a commercial motor vehicle for 24 hours.
(Ord. 97-2, passed 8-25-97)