(A)   Every decision on the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be subject to review by certiorari, as prescribed in Sections 82 through 88 of the Planning Act of 1947 of the Indiana General Assembly.
   (B)   No variance in the application of provisions of this chapter shall be made by the Board relating to the buildings, land or premises now existing or to be constructed unless, after a public hearing, the Board shall find that such variance:
      (1)   Will not impair the adequate supply to light and air to the adjacent property.
      (2)   Will not increase the hazard from fire, flood and other dangers to adjacent property.
      (3)   Will not affect in a substantially adverse manner the use or value or areas adjacent to the property included in the variance.
      (4)   Will not increase the congestion in the public places.
      (5)   Will not be injurious to public health, safety, comfort, morals and the general welfare of the community.
      (6)   Arises from some condition peculiar to the property involved and such condition is not due to the general condition of the neighborhood.
      (7)   Unless granted, will constitute an unusual and unnecessary hardship to the property for which the variance is sought.
(Ord. 70-2, passed 5-11-70)