(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, maintain, or have in his or her possession, or under his or her control within the town, any such dangerous reptiles and animals, unless:
      (1)   Such dangerous reptiles and animals are registered with the Police Department of the town;
      (2)   Should any ownership information provided on such registration form change due to relocation of owner, death, sale or transfer of ownership of such dangerous reptiles and animals, the owner shall be responsible for providing such updated information to the Police Department;
      (3)   In the event of the death of such dangerous reptiles and animals, owner must contact the Police Department of the town in order that the carcass of such reptile or animal can be examined and witnessed by such Department;
      (4)   As a provision of the ownership and registration of such dangerous reptiles and animals, the owner must provide the town with a rough map drawing of the floor plan of the residence and exact location in the residence in which the dangerous reptiles and animals shall be kept;
      (5)   Such dangerous reptiles and animals are kept in a shatter-proof cage complete with a locking mechanism that would prevent any such dangerous reptiles and animals from escaping;
      (6)   Every pet shop owner shall keep a book in which shall be fairly and plainly written, in ink and in the English language, at the time of the purchase or receipt of any such dangerous reptiles and animals an accurate account and description of such dangerous reptiles and animals purchased or received; the name, age, residence and brief description of the person selling or delivering the dangerous reptiles and animals; the price paid therefor; and the date and the hour of the transaction. All entries shall be made at the time of the purchase or delivery. No entry book shall be erased, obliterated, or defaced;
      (7)   The book required to be kept by division (A)(6) above, as well as all such dangerous reptiles and animals purchased or received, shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by any member of the Police and/or Fire Department.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to display or walk about with any type snake or dangerous reptiles and animals in a public place.
   (C)   The provisions of this section shall not apply to the zoological parks and circuses, if:
      (1)    Their location conforms to the provisions of the zoning and licensing chapters of the town;
      (2)   All animals and animal quarters are kept in a clean and sanitary condition and so maintained as to eliminate objectionable odors; and
      (3)   Animals are maintained in quarters so constructed as to prevent their escape and protect the public from coming in direct contact with them.
(Ord. 2011-02, passed 10-11-11) Penalty, see § 91.99