For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
The official of Bladen County designated by the County Manager, charged with the administration of this subchapter, including their authorized agent or delegate.
Any structure whether residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional in nature and use. When a structure is divided by division walls from the ground up without openings, each portion of such building may be deemed a separate building.
See Mobile Home Park.
A private way, beginning at the property line of a lot abutting a public or private road or other easement. A driveway may not serve more than a single lot unless it runs along a lot line shared by two lots and serves nor more than two lots which face a named road.
Means and includes a site, lot, tract, or parcel of land upon which one or more mobile home/manufactured homes or travel trailer is parked, for the temporary or permanent use as living quarters or one or more families.
Any road which serves two or more buildings and is not maintained by a governmental entity or agency through the use of public funds.
Any road or street which is maintained by a governmental entity or agency through the use of public funds
The combination of numbers and road name assigned by Bladen County which uniquely identifies a particular building or lot.
All divisions of a tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose of sale or building development (whether immediate or future) and includes all division of land involving the dedication of a new street or change in existing streets as outlined in G.S. § 153A-335.
(Res. passed 11-10-1992)
(A) The road names on file with the Office of Emergency Services are the official names of these roads, unless changed by action of the Bladen County Board of Commissioners. The Address Administrator is hereby authorized to determine the need for road name changes and to recommend such changes to the Bladen County Board of Commissioners. Unless there is a substantial documentable need for a change in an official road name, no changes will be made for a period of five years following the date of adoption of this ordinance.
(B) All roads in Bladen County shall be identified by a sign showing the official name of that road.
(C) Road name signs shall be uniform throughout the County in accordance with the following system:
(1) White with green background - Public roads;
(2) White with blue background - Private roads;
(3) White with brown background - Recreational and historical areas.
(D) All roads which meet the criteria for a private road shall be named using the procedures listed in Appendix A.
(Res. passed 11-10-1992)
(A) The Address Administrator will be responsible for the interpretation and administration of this subchapter, including:
(1) Assigning all numbers for properties and buildings;
(2) Maintaining address records of each property and building;
(3) Recommending any changes necessary to facilitate sequential building numbers along a road;
(4) Designating individual unit addresses within any multiple housing units in conformity with this subchapter.
(B) Road address numbers will be assigned using the Bladen County Addressing System listed in Appendix B.
(C) This subchapter shall apply in all areas of Bladen County not within a municipality.
(D) Assisting the public in complying with the requirements of this subchapter.
(E) No subdivision, mobile home park, campground, other non permanent dwelling unit park, may be recorded, constructed, or otherwise being without first submitting plans showing layout of any proposed subdivisions, mobile home park, campground, or other non permanent dwelling park to the Address Administrator. The Address Administrator will review the plans to insure adequate access to and from the proposed subdivision, or park and will assign address numbers for each proposed lot and insure that other provisions of this subchapter are complied with.
(Res. passed 11-10-1992)
(A) Road address numbers must be clearly displayed so that the location can be easily identified from the road.
(1) The official address number must be displayed on the front of a building or at the entrance to a building which is most clearly visible from the road during both day and night.
(2) If a building is more than 75 feet from any road, the address number shall be displayed at the end of the driveway nearest the road which provides access to the building.
(3) Numerals indicting the address number of a single-family dwelling shall be at least three inches in height and shall be posted and maintained so as to be legible from the road.
(4) Numerals for multiple dwelling units and non residential buildings shall be at least six inches in height and shall be placed on the front of the building facing the road or on the end of the building nearest the road.
(5) Numerals shall be of a contrasting color to the background.
(6) Mobile home and other non-permanent dwelling unit lots shall have sequential address numbers throughout the park. Each lot will have a separate address number assigned. The address number of each lot must be clearly displayed on the lot so as to be legible from the orad rather than maintained on the mobile home unit.
(B) The Address Administrator will have the authority to authorize and approve alternate methods of displaying road address numbers which meet the intent of this subchapter when strict adherence to these standards cannot be met.
(Res. passed 11-10-1992)
(A) No building permit shall be issued until an official road address number has been assigned for a lot. The record plat of any subdivision must show the address for each lot created or recorded. As required by § 94.19, division (E).
(B) No certificate of completion or certificate of occupancy will be issued by the Building Inspection Department until the road address numbers are properly displayed.
(C) No person may display or cause to be displayed on any building any number other than the number assigned by the Address Administrator.
(D) No person may remove, obliterate, conceal, or destroy any number or sign displayed in accordance with this subchapter.
(E) Owners or occupants of building already constructed which do not comply with this subchapter will be notified and requested to meet these requirements within 30 days from the date of notification. A warning notice will be issued after 30 days if the requirements have not been met. If the owner or occupant does not comply voluntarily with this subchapter within 30 days of the delivery of a warning notice be certified mail or hand delivery to the building in violation, enforcement action pursuant to G.S. § 153A-123 may be initiated.
(Res. passed 11-10-1992)
As a part of Bladen County’s comprehensive Emergency E9-1-1 Telecommunications System all private roads will need to be identified and addressed.
In order to have a systematic process to facilitate the private road naming, the following guidelines are to be followed:
1. A private road shall be defined as any road, lane, drive and the like which serves two or more structures (other than farm storage building) not facing any state maintained road or highway.
2. That the property owners submit three proposed names for their private road, in the form of a petition. The petition will indicate location of the road, contact person, telephone number, and the like.
3. That the petition must indicate the number of property owners on the private road in question, and that a majority of the property owners must be in agreement with the proposal.
4. That these petitions be examined and compared with the existing road names to ensure that no road names are duplicated.
5. Every effort will be made to name the road by one of the three proposed names, but in the event that all of the proposals are already being used, the contact person will be notified and other proposed names requested.
6. Once the name has been approved by Emergency Services (not duplicated) the petition with the proposed names will be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for formal approval.
7. Once the road name is approved the county will notify the contact person of the total cost of the sign(s), of which the property owner(s) will be required to pay one-half of the total cost.
8. The county will order and have the sign installed.
9. The signs for private roads will have six-inch blades, blue background with white reflective letters installed on standard SY Aluminum poles.
10. The monies collected from the property owner(s) will be used to help pay for these signs and will be transferred to the appropriate line item.
(Res. passed 11-10-1992)