Fees required under the Zoning Code of the Village of Whitehouse shall be as follows:
(a) Petition for Zoning Map/Text Amendment:
Less than 1 acre
1 to 5 acres
Over 5 acres
(b) Petition for a Special Use Permit:
Less than 1 acre
1 to 5 acres
Over 5 acres
(c) Petition for a Planned Unit Development:
Less than 1 acre
1 to 5 acres
Over 5 acres
Plus Escrow for Plan Review
(d) Appeal to Board of Zoning Appeals:
(e) Preliminary Plat Review and Submittal:
Up to 5 acres
6 to 10 acres
11 to 20 acres
Over 20 acres
Plus Escrow for Plan Review
(f) Resubmittal of a Preliminary Plat (12 months after original approval)
10% of original fees (E). Two resubmittals allowed for a total of 3 years.
(g) Final Plat Review and Submittal
Plus Per Lot
Plus Escrow for Plan Review
(h) Zoning Permits:
New structures/additions, including garages
Sheds, accessory buildings, pools, and decks
(i) Petition for Preliminary Discussion to Planning Commission
(j) Commercial Site Plan Review by Planning Commission
(k) Minor sub-division/lot split (less than five parcels)
(Ord. 18-2023. Passed 11-21-23.)