(a)   Inspections.
      (1)   Inspection fees - One (1) initial inspection, and (1st) re-inspection for commercial and residential day care and foster home properties per year is no charge. A second (2nd) re-inspection from a failed initial re-inspection for the year will be - $250.00. The third (3rd) re-inspection will be $500.00 plus documentation turned over to the Village Solicitor for legal review.
      (2)   One (1) open burning per year is no charge. Second (2nd) open burn response per calendar year will be $250.00 per occurrence. This includes any open burning greater than 3x3x3 with non-cleaning burning wood. If the open burn has other materials in it besides class A materials (wood, paper) and/or air packs need to be worn, a $250.00 fine will be given on the first (1st) occurrence.
      (3)   Food Truck Inspections - $25.00.
      (4)   Food Truck 1st re-inspection from an initial failed inspection - $75.00.
      (5)   Fireworks Aerial Display - $125.00/hr. - requires a minimum of four personnel. This cost includes a brush truck, water tender, and a command officer.
      (6)   Tent permit 0-700 square feet (no sides) - No charge.
      (7)   Tent permit 400 square feet and above with at least one (1) side - $50.00.
   (b)   Fire Alarms.
      (1)   1-2 per year are free.
      (2)   3rd per calendar year - $500.00.
      (3)   4th per calendar year - $550.00.
      (4)   5th and over per calendar year - $600.00.
      (5)   Nuisance alarms per year will be at the Fire Chief’s discretion to determine fees.
   (c)   Incidents.
      (1)   Hazardous Materials Responses - See LEPC.
   (d)   Fire Prevention.
      (1)   Meetings with building officials about non-compliant tenants and building owners regarding fire and/or building code violations. Meetings - $50.00/hour/per inspector. One (1) hour minimum charge.
   (e)   Personnel.
      (1)   Fire Department Personnel and vehicles at event - See current FEMA rate.
      (2)   Fire Watch (per personnel/per hour) - $50.00.
         * Invoices will be sent to tenant or business owners.
      (Ord. 18-2023. Passed 11-21-23.)