(a)   No person shall, without lawful authority or permit, cut down, destroy, remove, damage, injure, sever, trample, or in any manner whatsoever, cause injury or destruction to any tree, flower, shrub, or vegetation within the park, disturb the soils, rocks or minerals within the park, or remove same from the park, without the express written permission of the Administrator of the Village of Whitehouse and/or the Director of Public Services for the Village of Whitehouse.
   (b)   No person shall, regardless of intent, throw, drop, discard, place or litter any materials including but not limited to, refuse, ashes, garbage, building materials, picnic or camping materials, upon the grounds of the park, except through specifically permitted and approved activities. All such materials shall be properly deposited and disposed of in the receptacles available for such purposes, or removed from the park lands by the individual park land users.
   (c)   No person, without the express written permit of the Village Administrator or Director of Public Services, shall distribute, leave, or provide any food or plant materials for feeding of wild animals within the park lands.
   (d)   No person shall plant, introduce, or bring any fruits or seeds for purposes of planting or introduction of plant or introduction of animals or eggs or reproductive elements into any park lands or water ways within the park lands, without the express written permit of the Village Administrator and/or the Director of Public Services.
   (e)   No person shall construct, erect, design or utilize any structure, including tents and temporary material structures, without the express written permit of the Village Administrator and/or the Director of Public Services.
   (f)   No person shall participate in any form of geocaching within the Village of Whitehouse park lands without the express prior written consent and written permit of the Village Administrator and Director of Public Services.
   (g)   No person shall enter any restricted area as same shall be posted by the Administrator or Director of Public Services.
(Ord. 4-2012. Passed 6-19-12.)