Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof of every structure shall be so constructed and maintained and be kept in good repair and in safe condition so as to eliminate hazardous and unsanitary conditions, to make all occupied rooms and other interior areas weather-tight, water-tight, rodent proof, and so as to not adversely affect the neighborhood in which they are located. Good repair, maintenance and safe condition shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) Foundations. All foundation walls shall be maintained so as to carry the safe design and operating dead and live loads and shall be maintained plumb and free from open cracks and breaks which admit rodents, water or dampness to the interior of the building or lessen the capability of the foundation to support the building. Basement or cellar hatchways shall be maintained as to prevent the entrance of rodents, rain and surface drainage into the structure.
(b) Structural Member. Any structural member of a structure which has become deteriorated or damaged to the extent that it does not serve the purpose as originally intended shall be renewed, restored, repaired, or replaced as is necessary to serve the purpose as originally intended.
(c) Exterior Walls and Surfaces. Exterior walls and other exterior surface materials shall be free of holes, cracks, loose or rotting boards and timbers or any other condition which might admit rodents, rain or dampness to the interior of the dwelling. The exterior of all privately owned dwellings, structures and premises shall be free from graffiti when such graffiti is visible from a right of way. Owners on whose property graffiti is displayed shall completely remove the graffiti or shall completely and uniformly cover the graffiti with appropriate wall covering within fourteen (14) days of the occurrence of the graffiti.
(d) Roof. Roof members, covering and flashing shall be structurally sound and tight so as to prevent the entrance of moisture and be maintained by renewal, repair, waterproofing or other suitable means. All missing shingles or other roofing materials shall be replaced. Rain gutters, downspouts, and drains shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions.
(e) Porches. Every porch shall be so constructed and maintained so as to be free of missing, defective, rotting or deteriorated foundations, supports, floors, other members, and steps thereto, so as to be safe to use and kept in sound condition and in good repair.
(f) Exterior Stairways. All exterior stairways on all premises shall have treads and risers of uniform width and height, and be maintained free of holes, grooves, cracks, or rotted or deteriorated supports which constitute a safety hazard or which decrease its capacity to support the loads to which the stairway was constructed. Stairway handrails and/or railings shall be firmly fastened and maintained in good condition. Where the absence of handrails and/or railings creates a hazardous condition, the Enforcement Officer may require their installation in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Building Code.
(g) Overhanging Extensions. All canopies, marquees, signs, awnings, and similar overhanging extensions and their supporting structures shall be maintained in good repair and be properly anchored so as to be kept in a sound condition and shall not show evidence of ripping, tearing, or deterioration. When required, all exposed surfaces of metal or wood shall be protected from the elements and against decay or rust by periodic application of weather-coating materials, such as paint or similar surface treatment. Prohibited and obsolete signs shall be removed or replaced pursuant to the applicable sections of the Zoning Code.
(h) Decorative Features. All cornices, entablatures, bell courses, corbels, terracotta trim, wall facings, and similar decorative features shall be maintained in good repair with proper anchorage and in a safe condition.
(Ord. 10-2016. Passed 12-20-16.)