(a)   Drainage laterals, including an adequate outlet, shall be designed and constructed to provide for disposal of all surface water. In subdivisions employing septic tanks, the drainage system shall, in addition, provide a drainage outlet a minimum of three (3) feet below the mean ground level for each lot.
   (b)   A drainage ditch shall be enclosed when the enclosure is equivalent in capacity to forty-eight (48) inches in diameter or less. Such enclosure shall be constructed, installed and paid for by the subdivider. All other drainage ditches in the subdivision shall be realigned, widened and/or deepened to accommodate storm water runoff from the subdivision. All structures shall be enclosed within the new street right-of-way. Such enclosure shall be adequate to handle the storm drainage and shall be constructed, installed and paid for by the subdivider.
   (c)   Storm hydraulic grade lines shall be based on estimated runoff conditions, in watershed, ten (10) years from the time the improvement is made.
(Ord. 10-2016. Passed 12-20-16.)