909.06 GRADES.
   (a)   All grades for walks shall conform to street grades which shall be established by Council.
   (b)   All walks and driveways shall be constructed or reconstructed to conform to the grade on the right of way where the grade has been established.
   (c)   The surface of all walks shall have a transverse slope of one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot with the low side nearest to the curb line.
   (d)   Whenever permission is requested and granted to construct or reconstruct a walk where the surface of such walk has a transverse slope of a rate of more than one-fourth (1/4) inch to the foot, the permit shall be granted and received only on the condition that Council may at any time thereafter order such walks to be reconstructed to the established grade of the right of way, entirely at the expense of the abutting property owner.
   (e)   In all cases where sidewalks cross driveways or runways the full width of the sidewalk shall conform to the established grade of the sidewalks adjoining both sides of said driveways or runways, unless permission has first been obtained from the Director of Public Service. However, in all cases no less than three (3) feet width of sidewalk shall conform to the grade of the sidewalks adjoining both sides of said driveways or runways.
   (f)   Upon a right of way where the grade has been established by the Director of Public Service, but where the street has not been improved by paving or grading to such grade, walks shall be constructed in conformity with the grade established for the construction or reconstruction of such walks, driveways and curb opening. Provided, however, when walks shall be ordered by Council, or shall be constructed or reconstructed without such order by the owner of property abutting on a right of way where no grade is established, such walks may be constructed or reconstructed at such levels and inclinations as may be prescribed by the Director. Such permission to construct or reconstruct a walk on the right of way, shall be granted and the walk shall be constructed or reconstructed only on condition that when a grade shall be established such walk shall be removed and reconstructed to the grade which may thereafter be established by the Director for such street, entirely at the expense of the owner of the property abutting on said street.
   (g)   Whenever a sidewalk is reconstructed to a grade that does not meet the grade of adjacent existing walks, the person constructing the new sidewalk shall construct a ramp to eliminate any grade inequality. The materials, workmanship and character of the ramp shall be as determined by the Director of Public Service.
   (h)   All walks hereafter constructed or reconstructed on any right of way in the Village, shall be so constructed or reconstructed on such plane inclination and level so that the wearing surface thereof shall be uniform and even throughout the right of way; and all walks in the Village shall be maintained in such repair by the owner of property abutting on the right of way and shall be uniform and even throughout its length and width with the adjoining and connecting walk. All new lateral walks, from the main sidewalk to the property line hereafter constructed shall have a uniform slope from the main sidewalk to the property line of one-quarter (1/4) inch per foot, the low end of the aforesaid new lateral walk being adjacent to the main sidewalk and the aforesaid lateral walk shall meet the grade of the main sidewalk, the intent of this section being the exclusion of steps or other abrupt changes in grade on the right of way.
(Ord. 6-97. Passed 6-3-97.)