All work done in, under, upon, over, and across the present and future streets, avenues, alleys, highways, bridges, easements, and other public places in the city by franchisee for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this franchise shall be done and performed in a professional manner. When any street, alley, or other public place in said city is excavated or damaged by franchisee by reason of such work, franchisee shall restore such street, alley, or public place to its former condition as early as practicable. Franchisee agrees to follow the Whitefish air quality district regulations for construction and repair.
If at any time a change in the grade or plan of any street, alley, or public place shall be made by order of the proper city officials, franchisee shall, without expense to the city, make such changes in the location of its natural gas delivery facilities as the change of the grade or plan of the street, alley, or public place makes necessary, which said changes shall be made as soon as possible after said franchisee shall have received notice from the proper city official having the charge of the same.
Franchisee agrees to submit applications for excavation permits to the city's public works department and be billed for and pay the applicable excavation permit fees and any street or sidewalk cutting fees. If an emergency situation arises, franchisee may make the necessary repairs and turn in an application and pay the necessary fees during or after the repairs are made. (Ord. 13-10, 12-2-2013)