The following types of work are not required to obtain a permit, but must comply with the construction criteria of these regulations:
   A.   Repair Work: Repair work which qualifies as routine maintenance (see section 13-1-5, "Definitions", of this title) or, if a nonconforming structure, complies with subsection 13-3-1Z of this title.
   B.   Buoys: Buoys placed in a lake on a temporary basis (not exceeding 10 days) in a calendar year if the planning office is notified of the location and time frame prior to its placement.
   C.   Emergency Work:
      1.   Emergency work where a condition exists that poses an imminent threat to property, structures, or improvements, provided that:
         a.   The work being done is only what is necessary to mitigate the immediate threat; and
         b.   The conditions which constitute the threat were caused by extenuating circumstances which could not be readily anticipated and which do not reoccur on an annual basis.
      2.   The following procedures must be followed before emergency work is performed:
         a.   The person proposing to do emergency work must notify the planning department as to the nature of the emergency, description of the work to be done and the location of the site. If the work date falls on a normal working day (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays), notification must be made prior to beginning work. If the work date falls on a nonworking day (Saturday, Sunday and holidays), notification must be made on the next working day. Notification must be made by phone and in writing.
         b.   The administrator or designee will review the notification. If the administrator or designee determines the work is emergency work, he/she will issue a permit and provide a copy to the applicant and the lakeshore protection committee.
         c.   If work done under the emergency provision goes beyond the minimum necessary to mitigate the danger, or if work is done where no emergency condition existed, such work will be considered a violation of these regulations.
   D.   Real Estate Signs: One temporary sign is allowed on properties for sale or rent six (6) square feet in size or less per face.
(Ord. 09-08, 7-20-2009; amd. Ord. 23-30, 1-2-2024)