No person will proceed with any work on, or alteration or disturbance of, a lake, lake bed, or lakeshore within city limits until he/she has obtained, and has physical possession of a valid "lakeshore construction permit" from the city. The person who performs or authorizes such work, and the property owner, are responsible for assuring that a valid permit has been obtained.
The permit issued must be displayed during work activity so that it is conveniently visible to the public.
   A.   Standard Permit: Without limitation, the following activities, when conducted within the lake, lake bed or lakeshore protection zone, are examples of work for which a lakeshore construction permit is required, which must be reviewed by the Lake and Lakeshore Protection Committee and approved by the Whitefish City Council:
      1.   Excavation for walkways paths or stairs or removal of non-conforming structures;
      2.   Construction of boat service facilities, including the installation of fuel pumps or sewage pumpout facilities;
      3.   Construction, installation of, or additions to docks over sixty feet (60') in length, including gangways;
      4.   Installation of boat rail systems, public boat ramps, and boat storage and parking facilities;
      5.   Any major clearing or removal of live vegetation;
      6.   Installation of stairways, walkways, and paths, including stepping stones, dry laid stone, or untreated timbers;
      7.   Repair or reconstruction of existing buildings or facilities;
      8.   Operation of machinery, with the exception of recreational watercraft and equipment used for seasonal removal/installation of docks;
      9.   Adding gravel and other substrates for swim beach restoration or engineered dynamic gravel wave break installations;
      10.   Any other work not herein mentioned that may have an impact on a lake, lake bed or lakeshore.
   B.   Administrative Permit: Without limitation, the following activities, when conducted within the lake, lake bed, or lakeshore protection zone, are examples of activities for which an administrative lakeshore permit is required, which may be approved by the zoning administrator or designee, providing the permit complies with all other regulations and construction standards, has minimal or insignificant impact on the lake and lakeshore, and does not require a variance:
      1.   Construction, installation of, or additions to docks up to sixty feet (60') in length, including gangways;
      2.   Installation of boat and personal watercraft shore stations, buoys, swim docks, and floating trampolines;
      3.   Moving a floating dock, shore station, or buoy to another location on the lake;
      4.   Stockpiling and/or open burning of piles of brush, trees, vegetation, construction materials or debris;
      5.   Dead, dangerous, or fallen tree removal;
      6.   Soft structure armoring that doesn't involve other activities for a which a permit is required;
      7.   Installation of underground domestic water lines, sewer lines or other utility lines or facilities installed during low water;
      8.   Scientific research, education, or outreach activities.
(Ord. 09-08, 7-20-2009; amd. Ord. 15-09, 6-1-2015; Ord. 23-30, 1-2-2024)