The intent of regulating signs in this district is to recognize the needs and nature of the businesses along the highway corridors while avoiding conflicts with the rural areas in which they are generally located. The signs should be architecturally compatible with each other and with the buildings in the areas in which they are located. All of the signs in this district shall also be subject to the general and specific sign standards provided for in this chapter.
   A.   Lighting: Lighting of signs shall be designed to comply with the outdoor lighting ordinance and the following standards:
      1.   All lighting shall be designed, located, shielded and directed to prevent light from leaving the property boundaries, to maximize energy efficiency and be used in a complementary manner. Lighting shall be directed so that it does not cast light into the view of traveling motorists or intrude onto nearby residential properties. Downward, recessed lighting is encouraged as the primary means of lighting signs.
      2.   Internally illuminated signs are prohibited. Back lit lighting on individual letters for building mounted signs is allowed. Externally lit wood signs and signs made of natural materials and color are encouraged as the primary type of signs.
      3.   Use of neon and/or other lighting arranged around a building, sign or other structure for the purpose of attracting attention is prohibited.
      4.   Because nighttime light pollution is a growing problem, reduction or turning off sign lighting during nonoperating hours is encouraged.
   B.   Special Provisions: Sign regulations for the Business Service District are subject to the following special provisions:
      1.   Freestanding And Ground Mounted Signs: Every property or developed site within the Business Service District is allowed one freestanding, ground mounted or monument sign that does not exceed eight feet (8') in height and fifty (50) square feet per face. For lots that have less than two hundred fifty feet (250') of property frontage, one freestanding sign is allowed. For lots that have two hundred fifty feet (250') or more of property frontage, two (2) freestanding signs are allowed. No property, regardless of the amount of frontage, or status as a through lot or corner lot, shall exceed more than two (2) signs.
         a.   Businesses located on a corner lot with frontage along two (2) public roads may have a sign along each frontage provided that the signs may not be located within the same building setback area.
         b.   The nearest edge of any freestanding sign shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from the property line, right-of-way or road easement.
      2.   Display Of Street Numbers: Each business will include the street numbers on the face of the building or sign. The numbers will be visible for easy identification of the property. Street numbers do not count against the allowable sign allowance when computing square footage.
      3.   Building Mounted Signs: Each business within the Business Service District shall be allowed a minimum of one building mounted sign subject to the following standards:
         a.   Maximum Number Of Signs Allowed: A maximum of two (2) building mounted signs are allowed in the Business Service District on developed sites with a single business.
         b.   Single-Tenant Sites: The allowable sign area for a single- tenant site shall be twenty four (24) square feet unless otherwise provided.
         c.   Multi-Tenant Sites: The allowable sign area for multi-tenant sites shall be twenty four (24) square feet per tenant unless otherwise provided.
         d.   Awning/Canopy Signs: One awning/canopy sign is allowed per business or tenant in addition to a building mounted sign; provided, the total sign area does not exceed the allowable square footage provided for building mounted signs.
      4.   Projecting Signs: One projecting sign is permitted per business and cannot exceed eight (8) square feet per face; awning/canopy signs, painted wall signs and flush mounted building signs may be used in lieu of a projecting sign; provided, the total square footage does not exceed that which is allowed.
      5.   Multiple Businesses: A master sign plan shall be submitted for all multi-business buildings or developments containing more than one tenant and/or building. The conceptual master sign plan must be approved prior to issuance of a building permit or zoning compliance permit for any new building, additions or renovations. The master sign plan shall run with the multiuse building and not with the individual tenants.
         a.   Each tenant is allowed one building mounted sign not to exceed twenty four (24) square feet or a maximum of thirty (30) square feet if freestanding square footage is transferred to a building mounted sign.
         b.   Developed sites with two (2) or more tenants shall be allowed one freestanding or ground mounted sign not to exceed fifty (50) square feet per face, or as otherwise provided. Where more than one freestanding sign is allowed for a single property, the total allowable square footage for each sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per face.
      6.   Internal Business Signs: Businesses accessible only from an interior driveway are permitted an additional flush mounted building sign that does not exceed twenty four (24) square feet in area.
      7.   Advertising Window Signs: Signs inside windows for view by the outside traffic are limited to three (3) signs per business with a maximum size of three (3) square feet per sign. These window signs are encouraged to have an artistic graphic component. Neon is discouraged.
      8.   Through Lots: Properties that have a "main" frontage, per the definition in section 11-9-2 of this title, with the other being the "secondary" frontage are permitted a freestanding or ground mounted sign on the main frontage as provided in this section. A second freestanding or ground mounted sign is permitted on the "secondary" frontage that does not exceed thirty two (32) square feet or six feet (6') in height. (Ord. 19-03, 2-4-2019)