The building type and architecture predominant in this area consists of storefront type buildings, some with significant architectural and historical interest, which generally abut directly on the sidewalk. Buildings are typically one- or two- story structures with retail activity occurring on the street level and office or living quarters on the second story. Primary orientation is to pedestrians with a strong emphasis toward creating a positive image for the Town Center to both residents and tourists.
The intent of the sign standards in this district is to preserve and promote the historic downtown area of the City, encourage pedestrian access and emphasize the unique qualities inherent to Whitefish. These qualities are viewed as an integral part of the City's economic vitality, stability and growth. The area is characterized by narrow streets, small lots and narrow lot frontages with buildings that are representative of the early development of Whitefish. In creating a standard for the Old Town District, it is recognized that signs contribute to the overall visual image and character of the area. As a primary visual element of any commercial area, each sign should enhance the visual character of the historic Town Center image.
   A.   Sign Regulations In Old Town District: The following provisions apply to signs within the Old Town District:
      1.   Freestanding And Ground Mounted Signs: One freestanding or ground mounted sign is allowed in the Old Town District per developed site. The sign shall not exceed six feet (6') in height and shall be mounted on two (2) parallel posts or an aggregate base. All freestanding or ground mounted signs must have landscaping around the base. Freestanding or ground mounted signs are allowed a maximum of twenty four (24) square feet plus five (5) square feet per tenant in a multi-tenant site.
      2.   Building Mounted Signs: A maximum of two (2) building signs are allowed in the Old Town District on developed sites with a single business. Where a business is located on two (2) or more frontages, a total of three (3) individual building signs are allowed. Multiple tenant sites are allowed one building mounted sign and one sign hanging under the awning and over the sidewalk per business. Multi-tenant buildings with an exposed side wall are allowed two (2) building mounted signs and an under the awning sign. Allowable area for a single tenant building shall be four-tenths (0.4) square foot per linear foot of building frontage. Allowable area for multi-tenant sites shall be calculated on the basis of one-half (0.5) square foot per linear foot of building frontage. The maximum size of the sign under the awning is eight (8) square feet per face and shall have a minimum clearance of seven feet (7') above the sidewalk. The awning sign is included in the allowable sign area.
      3.   Projecting Signs: One projecting sign is permitted per business that does not exceed sixteen (16) square feet per face. Awning/canopy signs, painted wall signs and flush mounted building signs may be used in conjunction with a projecting sign provided the total square footage does not exceed that which is allowed.
      4.   Multiple Business Signage 1 : Where a single common entrance serves two (2) or more businesses, they are considered one business for sign computation purposes. A single business operating on a second story, accessed by an entrance at sidewalk level, is allowed one building mounted sign located adjacent to such entrance at the sidewalk level. A sign for multiple businesses on a second story shall be adjacent to the sidewalk level doorway. A master sign plan shall be required for all multiuse buildings and commercial developments containing more than one tenant and/or building. The master sign plan shall run with the multiuse building or commercial center and not with the individual tenants.
      5.   Alley Entrance Signs: Signs located on the rear public entrances to individual businesses shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area and shall be flush mounted on the building. Alley or rear entrance signs associated with pedestrian walkways through buildings shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area and shall be flush mounted on the building. One sign for business establishments accessible only from an alleyway are permitted provided they are flush mounted on the building, do not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area and placed in a location of closest proximity to the business(es) whether on or off the premises. Such signs do not count toward the overall sign area or building mounted sign totals.
      6.   Portable Signs: One "menu" or "A-frame" sign is allowed per developed site that, inclusive of any frame or supports, does not exceed six (6) square feet per side and is not more than two feet (2') wide; and businesses must maintain a minimum of forty four inches (44") of clearance around any sign located in the public sidewalk to meet ADA requirements. Changeable copy signs (i.e., manually changeable individual letters) are not permitted.
      7.   Neon Signs: Neon is prohibited in the Old Town District.
         a.   Neon signs may be approved for an artistic rendering with a conditional use permit.
         b.   Area for neon graphics will be calculated as the area contained within the sum of the smallest rectangle(s) that will enclose the graphic.
         c.   Neon advertising (beer signs, open signs, etc.) located within the windows for view by the outside traffic is limited to four (4) signs per business with a maximum size of three (3) square feet per sign.
      8.   Display Of Street Numbers: Each business will include the street numbers on the face of the building or sign. The numbers will be visible for easy identification of the property. Street numbers do not count against the allowable sign allowance when computing square footage where the number is incorporated on the sign.
      9.   Edge Setback: The edge of any freestanding sign nearest the property line shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from the property line.
      10.   Window Signs: Window signs are limited to a maximum coverage of twenty percent (20%) of the window area, and no more than fifty percent (50%) of the window area may be covered by interior furnishings, including, but not limited to, curtains, shades, signs, or shelves.
   B.   Lighting: Lighting of signs shall be designed to comply with the following standards:
      1.   All lighting shall be designed, located, shielded and directed to prevent misdirected or excessive artificial light and to maximize energy efficiency. Lighting shall have adequate shielding or screening so that it does not cast glare or direct light from artificial illumination upon any adjacent public right-of-way, surrounding property, residential property or motorist's vision. Downward directed lighting is encouraged.
      2.   No sign shall be internally illuminated. Internally illuminated individual letters are prohibited.
      3.   Wood signs and signs made of natural materials are encouraged.
      4.   Because nighttime light pollution is a growing problem, reduction or turning off sign lighting during nonoperating hours is encouraged. (Ord. 19-03, 2-4-2019)



1. See section 11-8-1, appendix G of this title.