Daycare centers providing for sixteen (16) or more individuals shall:
A. Provide a suitable drop off and pick up facility. This shall be based on the maximum number of individuals cared for at a single time. There shall be twenty feet (20') of signed loading area for each eight (8) individuals.
B. Where outside play facilities are provided, there shall be maintained a six foot (6') sight obscuring fence around the play yard and the play yard should be situated on the rear one-half (½) of the site.
C. In all residential zones (WCR through WR-4) and resort zones (WRR-1 through WRB-2):
1. Existing residential structures shall not be significantly modified so as to exhibit a nonresidential appearance.
2. Signage shall be architecturally compatible to the primary building and shall not flash, rotate or blink.
3. Preference is given to daycare facilities located on collector or arterial streets. (Ord. A-407, 3-15-1982; amd. Ord. 05-25, 11-21-2005; Ord. 22-04, 3-21-2022)