Four (4) types of Planned Unit Development Overlays are available, depending on the underlying zoning and intended use.
A. Residential Planned Unit Development (R-PUD): The purpose of the Residential PUD option is to facilitate creatively designed, livable neighborhoods in Residential Zoning Districts where the proposed product type, density, scale, and character are appropriate and complement adjacent development. The residential units provided could include single-family attached and detached as well as duplex, triplex, fourplex and multi-family of all types. The Residential PUD provides for design flexibility and the ability to vary certain standards in order to deal effectively with physical constraints such as parcel configuration, topography, and environmentally sensitive areas.
1. A Residential PUD may be established in all districts except WB-4, WI, and WI-T.
2. Permitted uses:
• Accessory buildings and uses.
• Any uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the underlying zoning district, provided that any conditional use is specifically considered with the PUD and all conditional use criteria required under this Code for that use are met or conditioned with the PUD approval. If a conditional use is not considered during the PUD approval, then such uses must follow the standard CUP review process found in section 11-7-8 of this title.
• Private and/or semiprivate recreation and service facilities intended for the residents of the district.
• Residential:
• Multi-family dwellings.
• Single-family dwellings.
• Two-family dwellings.
• Three-family dwellings.
• Four-family dwellings.
• A combination of any of the above arranged in attached, detached, townhouse, apartment, or condominium configurations.
B. Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development (M-PUD): The Mixed-Use PUD is primarily intended to provide for the mixing of compatible non-residential uses allowed in the underlying zone with residential units of various types in urban areas. Residential product types include single-family, two-family, three-family, four-family, and multi-family in any ownership configuration. Residential types also include units integrated into primarily non-residential structures, including above office and retail space. Where the zoning is both residential and non- residential, the amount of land dedicated to any non-residential component must generally be consistent with and give due consideration to the location and extent of the non-residential zoning.
1. A mixed-use PUD may be established in any Non-Residential Zoning District with the exception of the WI, and the WI-T, as well as where the overall development also includes both non-residential and residential zoning.
2. Permitted uses:
• Accessory buildings and uses.
• Any uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the underlying zoning district, provided that any conditional use is specifically considered with the PUD and all conditional use criteria required under this Code for that use are met or conditioned with the PUD approval. If a proposed conditional use is not noted with the PUD application, then such uses must follow the standard CUP review process found in section 11-7-8 of this title. Other uses may also be considered for which justification can be derived on the basis that the use will be compatibly incorporated into the design and use of the planned development. Such uses should be integrated with and complementary to included and adjacent residential uses.
• Private and/or semiprivate recreation and service facilities intended for the residents of the district.
• Residential:
• Single-family dwellings.
• Two-family dwellings.
• Three-family dwellings.
• Four-family dwellings.
• Multi-family dwellings.
• A combination of any of the above arranged in attached, detached, townhouse, apartment, or condominium configurations.
C. Commercial Planned Unit Development (C-PUD): The purpose of the Commercial PUD option is to promote flexibility in design and permit planned diversification in the relationships between location of and types of uses and structures; promote the advantages of large scale site planning through the efficient use of land, facilitating a more economic arrangement of buildings, circulation systems, land uses, and utilities; preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the existing landscape features and amenities, and to utilize such features in a harmonious way.
1. A Commercial PUD may be established in the following districts: WB-1, WB-2, WB-3, WB-4, WRB-1, WRB-2, WBMV, WBSD, WB-T, and WI-T
2. Permitted uses:
• Any uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the underlying zoning district, provided that any conditional use is specifically considered with the PUD and all conditional use criteria required under this Code for that use are met or conditioned with the PUD approval. If a proposed conditional use is not noted with the PUD application, then such uses must follow the standard CUP review process found in section 11-7-8 of this title. Other uses may also be considered for which justification can be derived on the basis that the use will be compatibly incorporated into the design and use of the planned development.
D. Light Industrial Or Industrial Planned Unit Development (I-PUD): The Industrial PUD options are intended to allow complexes and clusters of industrial and light industrial uses in either a lot by lot or integrated business park configuration. Light manufacturing and fabrication can be combined with offices, warehousing, and showroom space to create multi-functional business and industrial facilities. Caretaker and on-site work force housing can be provided where appropriate and compatible with the neighborhood and specific industrial uses in the project.
1. A Light Industrial or Industrial PUD may be established in the following districts: WB-4, WI, WBSD, WB-T, and WI-T.
2. Permitted uses:
• Any uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the underlying zoning district, provided that any conditional use is specifically considered with the PUD and all conditional use criteria required under this Code for that use are met or conditioned with the PUD approval. If a proposed conditional use is not noted with the PUD application, then such uses must follow the standard CUP review process found in section 11-7-8 of this title. Other uses may be considered for which justification can be derived on the basis that the use will be compatibly incorporated into the design and use of the planned development. (Ord. 19-11, 6-3-2019; amd. Ord. 23-13, 8-21-2023)