The following property development standards apply to land and buildings within this district:
Bulk and scale
All new structures with a building footprint of 15,000 (7,500 for Old Town Central and Railway Districts) square feet or greater, existing structures where an addition causes the total footprint to be 15,000 (7,500 for Old Town Central and Railway Districts) square feet or greater, and additions to structures where the footprint already is 15,000 (7,500 for Old Town Central and Railway Districts) square feet or greater, with the exception of multi-family and mixed-use with multi-family, are subject to a conditional use permit pursuant to section 11-7-8 of this title
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot width
Minimum yard spaces:
15 feet on Second Street west of Lupfer Avenue except for Lots 8, 9, 10 and the east 6 feet of Lot 11, block 38, Whitefish original. 15 feet on Kalispell Avenue, 10 feet on Lupfer Avenue north of East Second Street and all streets west of Lupfer except Second Street. 20 feet on Lupfer Avenue south of East Second Street and all streets south of East Second Street and west of Lupfer Avenue. None on all other streets.
15 feet when abutting a Residential District; otherwise, none
15 feet when abutting a Residential District; otherwise, none
Railway District Shopping Loop
E. First Street (Baker Avenue east to Lupfer Avenue - north side of Block 37, Whitefish original and south side of Block 26, Whitefish original); Lupfer Avenue (E. First Street to E. Second Street - west side of Block 37, Whitefish original). In order to facilitate development of the Shopping Loop, new structures or additions to existing structures within the Shopping Loop, the following setbacks apply:
5 feet on Lupfer Avenue; 15 feet on E. First Street.
15 feet when the side property line is adjacent to E. First Street; between buildings, none.
Maximum height
45 feet, 3 stories maximum, subject to the height and building design requirements of section 11-3-5 of this title, as well as the size, scale, and bulk restrictions of the architectural design standards. The overall height must also include the features listed in subsection 11-2-3B5 of this chapter, with the exception of aerials, belfries, chimneys, church spires, and flagpoles
Permitted lot coverage
Off street parking
See parking and loading in section 11-6-3-3 of this title, WB-3 special conditions
Accessory uses
Accessory uses must maintain the same yard requirements as the primary use. However, accessory uses (excluding any type of living quarters) may be built within 3 feet of a side or rear lot line that does not border a street, a river or lake, or the front half of any adjoining lot
See chapter 4 of this title (single-family and duplex uses exempted)
(Ord. 18-25, 9-4-2018; amd. Ord. 19-20, 10-7-2019; Ord. 23-13, 8-21-2023)