9-2-12: WIRING:
   A.   Each electric blasting cap shall be tested with an approved galvanometer before being placed in primer and after testing the leg wires of electric blasting caps, they shall be short circuited by twisting the bare ends together and shall remain so twisted until ready to be connected into the circuit preparatory to connecting to the firing line.
   B.   All caps in a blast shall be of the same manufacture.
   C.   The firing line shall not be smaller than no. 14B and S gauge copper wire, no. 12B and S gauge aluminum, or equivalent.
   D.   The number of electric blasting cans used in a circuit shall not exceed the tested capacity of the blasting machine or power source.
   E.   The circuit, including all caps, shall be tested with an approved galvanometer before being connected to firing line.
   F.   No lead wire shall be connected to the circuit until it has been grounded to dissipate any static charge.
   G.   The complete circuit, lead wires and firing line, shall be checked with an approved galvanometer at the terminals to be hooked onto the blasting machine or other power source.
   H.   No firing line shall be connected to a blasting machine or other power source until the shot is to be fired. (Ord. A-348, 6-4-1979)