A. Location Preferences: The City prefers small wireless facilities to be installed in locations, ordered from most preferred to least preferred, as follows:
1. Most preferred locations:
a. Any parcel or public right-of-way location in Industrial Zoning Districts (WI, WI-T);
b. Any parcel or public right-of-way location in Commercial Zoning Districts (WB-1, WB-2, WB-3, WB-4, WRB-1, WRB-2).
2. Least preferred locations:
a. Any public right-of-way location in Residential Zoning Districts on or along roads not designated as arterial or minor arterial roads.
b. Any parcel located in Residential Zoning Districts.
3. For purposes of these location preferences, the applicant's proposed location in the public right-of-way shall be classified by the same zoning district that applies to the nearest adjacent parcel. Planned unit developments shall follow the closest zoning district based on the approved uses.
B. Support Structures In The Public Right-Of-Way: The City prefers small wireless facilities to be installed on support structures in the public rights-of-way, ordered from most preferred to least preferred, as follows:
1. Existing or replacement streetlight poles;
2. Existing or replacement wood utility poles;
3. New, non-replacement streetlight poles;
4. New, non-replacement standalone poles.
C. Support Structures Outside The Public Rights-Of-Way: The City prefers small wireless facilities to be installed on support structures outside the public rights-of-way, ordered from most preferred to least preferred, as follows:
1. Existing buildings or other non-tower structures previously approved for use as a support structure for wireless service facilities;
2. Other existing buildings or non-tower structures;
3. Existing or replacement standalone poles;
4. New, non-replacement standalone poles.
D. Prohibited Support Structures: The City prohibits the installation of small wireless facilities on the following support structures, whether located in the public rights-of-way or not:
1. Traffic signals, signs, poles, cabinets and related devices;
2. Any utility pole scheduled for removal or relocation within twelve (12) months from the time the Director acts on the small cell permit application;
3. New, non-replacement wood poles.
E. Approval: Applications that involve least-preferred locations or structures may be approved so long as the applicant demonstrates that either:
1. No more preferred locations or structures exist within five hundred feet (500') from the proposed site; or
2. Any more preferred locations or structures within five hundred feet (500') from the proposed site would be technically infeasible as supported by clear and convincing evidence in the record. (Ord. 19-09, 5-20-2019)