A. Application: All applications for a small cell permit must contain the following:
1. Form: An application form signed by the applicant or its authorized representative;
2. Drawings: Construction drawings, prepared, signed and stamped by a licensed engineer, that depict all the existing and proposed improvements, equipment and conditions related to the proposed project and that:
a. Have cut sheets that contain the technical specifications for all existing and proposed antennas and accessory equipment, which includes without limitation the manufacturer, model number and physical dimensions;
b. Identify all structures within two hundred fifty feet (250') from the proposed project site and call out such structures' overall height above ground level;
c. Depict the applicant's plan for electric and other utilities, which shall include the locations for all conduits, cables, wires, handholes, junctions, transformers, meters, disconnect switches, and points of connection; and
d. Demonstrate that proposed project will be in full compliance with all applicable health and safety laws, regulations or other rules, which includes without limitation all Building Codes, Electric Codes, local street standards and specifications, and public utility regulations and orders.
3. Survey: For any small wireless facility proposed to be located within the public right-of-way, the applicant must submit a survey prepared, signed and stamped by a licensed engineer that identifies and depicts all existing boundaries, encroachments and other structures within two hundred fifty feet (250') from the proposed project site including without limitation all:
a. Traffic lanes;
b. Private properties and property lines;
c. Above and below-grade utilities and related structures and encroachments;
d. Fire hydrants, and other public safety infrastructure;
e. Streetlights, decorative poles, traffic signals and permanent signage;
f. Sidewalks, driveways, parkways, curbs, gutters and storm drains;
g. Benches, trash cans, mailboxes, kiosks and other street furniture; and
h. Existing trees, planters and other landscaping features.
4. Photo Simulations: The applicant shall submit site photographs and photo simulations that show the existing location and proposed small wireless facility in context from at least three (3) vantage points within the public streets or other publicly accessible spaces, together with a vicinity map that shows the proposed site location and the photo location for each vantage point.
5. Project Narrative And Justification: The applicant shall submit a written statement that explains in plain factual detail whether and why the proposed wireless facility qualifies as a "small wireless facility".
a. A complete written narrative analysis will state the applicable standard and all the facts that allow the City to conclude the standard has been met - bare conclusions not factually supported do not constitute a complete written analysis.
b. As part of the written statement the applicant must also include whether and why the proposed wireless facility meets each required finding for issuance of a small cell permit.
6. Radiofrequency Compliance Report: The applicant shall submit a radiofrequency exposure compliance report that certifies that the proposed small wireless facility, as well as any collocated wireless facilities, will comply with applicable Federal radiofrequency exposure standards and exposure limits.
a. The radiofrequency report must be prepared and certified by an engineer acceptable to the City.
b. The radiofrequency report must include the actual frequency and power levels (in watts ERP) for all existing and proposed antennas at the site and exhibits that show the location and orientation of all transmitting antennas and the boundaries of areas with radiofrequency exposures in excess of the uncontrolled/general population limit (as that term is defined by the FCC) and also the boundaries of areas with radiofrequency exposures in excess of the controlled/occupational limit (as that term is defined by the FCC).
c. Each such boundary shall be clearly marked and identified for every transmitting antenna at the project site.
7. Site Agreement: For any small wireless facility proposed to be installed on any structure owned or controlled by the City and located within the public rights-of-way, the applicant shall submit a partially-executed site agreement on a form prepared by the City that states the terms and conditions for such non- exclusive use by the applicant.
8. Title Report And Property Owner's Authorization: For any small wireless facility proposed to be installed on any private property not owned or controlled by the City, the applicant must submit:
a. A title report issued within thirty (30) days from the date the applicant filed the application; and
b. If the applicant is not the property owner, a written authorization signed by the property owner identified in the title report that authorizes the applicant to submit and accept a small cell permit in connection with the subject property.
9. Application Fee: The applicant shall submit the applicable small cell permit application fee established by City Council resolution.
10. Applications And Forms: The Director is authorized to develop, publish and from time to time update or amend permit application requirements, forms, checklists, guidelines, informational handouts and other related materials that the Director finds necessary, appropriate or useful for processing any application governed under this chapter.
B. Submittal And Review:
1. Pre-Submittal Conferences:
a. The City strongly encourages, but does not require, applicants to schedule and attend a pre-submittal conference with the Director for all proposed projects that involve more than five (5) small wireless facilities.
b. This voluntary pre-submittal conference does not cause the FCC shot clock to begin and is intended to streamline the review process through informal discussion.
c. To mitigate unnecessary delays due to application incompleteness, applicants are encouraged (but not required) to bring any draft applications or other materials so that City staff may provide informal feedback and guidance about whether such applications or other materials may be incomplete or unacceptable.
2. Application Completeness Review: Within thirty (30) calendar days after the Director receives a duly filed small cell permit application, the Director must review the application for completeness and, if any application does not contain all the required materials, send a written notice to the applicant that identifies the missing or incomplete requirements.
3. Applications Deemed Withdrawn: To promote efficient review and timely decisions, and to mitigate unreasonable delays or barriers to entry caused by chronically incomplete applications, any application will be automatically deemed withdrawn by the applicant when the applicant fails to cure any deficiencies identified by the Director within sixty (60) calendar days after written notice to the applicant of said deficiencies.
4. Batched Applications:
a. Applicants may submit up to five (5) individual applications for a small cell permit in a batch only if the small wireless facilities in the batch are proposed with substantially the same equipment in the same configuration on the same support structure type.
b. Each application in a batch must meet all the requirements for a complete application, which includes without limitation the application fee for each application in the batch.
c. If any application in a batch is incomplete, the entire batch shall be deemed incomplete.
d. If any application is withdrawn or deemed withdrawn from a batch, the entire batch shall be deemed withdrawn.
e. If any application in a batch fails to meet the required findings for approval, the entire batch shall be denied. (Ord. 19-09, 5-20-2019)