To protect the public from danger, suitable street and sidewalk barriers, highway cones, or signs must be used when pruning, removing or spraying trees. Flashing signals or flares must be placed on all barriers or obstructions remaining in the street after dark. All safety devices must conform to the standards as set forth in "The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices" distributed by the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.
   A.   Stumps: The stumps of all removed public trees shall be cut to at least eight inches (8") below the ground, the soil shall be replaced, and the area leveled. If the area where the tree is removed is to be paved, the stump shall be removed to meet general construction standards. In the event of a private landowner wanting to remove a stump, they bear all the costs of its removal and all damages to the sidewalk curb shall be repaired by and paid for by the owner.
   B.   Spraying: Suitable precautions shall be taken to protect and warn the public that spraying is being done to public trees. Spraying will be done only for the control of specific diseases or insects, with the proper materials in the necessary strength, and applied at the proper time to obtain the desired control. All spraying practices shall conform to Federal, State, and local regulations and must be performed by a pesticide applicator properly licensed by the State of Montana, Department of Agriculture. (Ord. 17-34, 12-4-2017)