Licensed professionals by the State of Montana, including but not limited to physicians, chiropractors, nail technicians, attorneys, real estate agents, certified public accountants, and insurance professionals are exempt from business registration.
(Ord. 23-29, 11-20-2023)
A. Fee Schedule: The city council, by resolution, will adopt a business registration fee schedule which will apply to all businesses, persons or entities which the city registers.
B. Collection: The city manager will be charged with the collection of the fees required by this chapter through the appropriate city official designated by the city manager.
C. Classification: When there is any doubt about the classification of the fee to be paid under this chapter, the matter will be referred to the city manager.
D. Payment Of Fees: Except as otherwise provided herein, all registration fees will be payable annually in advance and on or before January 1. Any registration issued after July 1 of each year will be issued at one-half (1/2) the yearly fee. All registrations will expire on December 31 of each year.
E. Late Fee: On late renewal, a late fee, as established by resolution of the city council, plus two percent (2%) of the registration fee per month or any portion thereof, will be assessed. This penalty must be paid prior to the issuance of a renewal registration.
(Ord. A-420, 11-1-1982; amd. Ord. 23-29, 11-20-2023)
Applications for business registration must be obtained from and filed with the city. All applications, when filed, must be accompanied with the necessary fees and signed by the applicant. The form of the application will be determined by the city manager.
(Ord. 10-18, 12-6-2010; amd. Ord. 23-29, 11-20-2023)
A. Display Of Registration: The proof of city registration, issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, must be conspicuously displayed in such a manner that a city official may observe the same upon entering the place of business.
B. Subject To Regulations: Every person registered under the provisions of this chapter is subject to regulation, inspection, control and supervision under the general police power of the city and of all of the provisions of this code and ordinances of the city now in force, or which may hereafter be adopted, in aid of such police power and regulation.
C. Separate Registration For Each Business And Location: Except as otherwise provided, a separate registration must be procured and fee paid when registration is required by the provisions of this chapter, for each business and business location.
D. Contractors must provide proof of general liability insurance with per occurrence limits of at least three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) at time of application and renewal for business registrations. Contractors with paid employees, excluding state licensed electricians and plumbers, must also submit a copy of the State of Montana Department of Labor and Industry Certificate of Contractor Registration.
E. All businesses with a physical location in the city are subject to fire safety inspections by the city's Fire Marshall. Frequency of fire inspections depend on the type of business in accordance with city ordinance, State Law, and the program established by the Whitefish Fire Department.
(Ord. 10-18, 12-6-2010; amd. Ord. 23-29, 11-20-2023)
Every person who willfully violates or who procures, aids or abets in the willful violation of this chapter or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, will be punished as provided in the general penalty in section 1-4-1 of this code. Every person who willfully violates or who procures, aids or abets in the willful violation of this chapter or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, will be deemed to have committed a municipal infraction, and will be assessed the civil penalty described in section 1-4-4 of this code. Each day that a violation remains will constitute a separate violation. For each separate incident, the city will elect to treat the violation as a misdemeanor or a municipal infraction, but not both. If a violation is repeated, the city may treat the initial violation as a misdemeanor and the repeat violation as a municipal infraction, or vice versa.
(Ord. 09-20, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 23-29, 11-20-2023)