A.   Appointment; Compensation: The committee shall have seven (7) members. Members shall be appointed by the board of park commissioners. Not less than four (4) members shall reside within the corporate limits of the city. Two (2) members may reside within the school district 44 area. Two (2) members who are practicing professional arborists, landscapers and landscape architects, who also maintain a business within the Whitefish planning jurisdictional boundary, may serve without regard to residential standing. Members shall have maintained residency within specified boundary requirements for one year prior to appointment to the committee. The board of park commissioners shall appoint members according to the following representation categories: one member who is also the mayor or a city councilor; one member who is also a member of the park board of commissioners; and five (5) members who are citizen members at large. The board of park commissioners shall attempt to appoint up to two (2) members of the aforementioned five (5) members at large who are practicing professional arborists, landscapers or landscape architects. The city clerk shall make appropriate notation of a member's representation category on the official committee roster. Committee members shall receive no compensation. Contracted consultants and city staff shall not serve as members, but may assist and participate in the facilitation of committee business. (Ord. 15-05, 4-6-2015)
   B.   Terms; Positions: Committee terms shall be two (2) years. There are hereby created positions numbered 1 through 7 inclusive of the members of the committee. Except for the positions specified for the mayor or a city councilor and the park board member, the committee existing at the time of enactment of this chapter shall determine by lot which members shall fill which positions. The initial terms for members serving pursuant to this chapter shall begin with the effective date of this chapter and terminate on the date specified below for each position:
Position Number
Position Specification
Initial Expiration Date
Position Number
Position Specification
Initial Expiration Date
Mayor or councilor
May 31, 2002
Park board
May 31, 2002
Member at large
May 31, 2002
Member at large
May 31, 2002
Member at large
May 31, 2003
Member at large
May 31, 2003
Member at large
May 31, 2003
Thereafter members appointed to each position shall serve for two (2) year terms; the first of such terms beginning on June 1 of the year in which the initial term for the position expires. At the discretion of the city council, members may be appointed for more than one term.
   C.   Removal Of Member: A member may be removed from the committee by majority vote of the city council for cause upon written charges and after a public hearing. Wilful disregard of this chapter and the rules of procedures of the committee, or absences from three (3) consecutive meetings, including regular and special meetings, or absences from more than fifty percent (50%) of such meetings held during the calendar year, shall constitute cause for removal. Circumstances of the absences shall be considered by the city council prior to removal. Any person who knows in advance of his inability to attend a specific meeting shall notify the chair or secretary of the committee at least twenty four (24) hours prior to any scheduled meeting.
   D.   Vacancy: Pursuant to subsections A and B of this section, any vacancy on the committee shall be filled by the city council acting in a regular or special session for the unexpired term of the position wherein the vacancy exists. The city council may appoint members of the city council to temporarily fill vacant positions on the committee. (Ord. 02-19, 6-3-2002)