The nomination and election of persons to be honored in the Hall of Fame established in the WesBanco Arena shall be governed by the following rules and regulations:
   (a)   Requirements for Nomination. A nominee must have made a significant contribution to the City of Wheeling through work-related or volunteer activities, adding to the quality of life in Wheeling and/or to its prestige. Contributions of the    nominee must be demonstrably clear, concrete, and incontrovertible.
   (b)   Method of Nomination. Nominations in each of the six (6) categories for each selection period shall be made by a majority vote of the membership of the subcommittee for honorees in each particular category. Although a subcommittee may consider the merits of any number of proposed nominees, it is not required to make any nominations during a selection period.
   (c)   Selection Periods. The initial selection period shall expire one year after the Board has been appointed, held its organizational meeting and elected its chairman. After the expiration of the initial selection period has occurred, a regular selection period shall expire every two (2) years thereafter.
   (d)   Number of Honorees to be Elected. The honorees elected to the Hall of Fame during the initial selection period shall not exceed three (3) persons in each of the six (6) categories. The number of honorees elected in any regular selection period thereafter shall not exceed two (2) persons in each of the six (6) categories. It is not required that any honoree be elected in any or all of the six (6) categories during any selection period.
   (e)   Election of Honorees. After the date established by the Board, or its executive committee, for submission of nominations by subcommittees during each selection period, the entire Board shall consider the nominations in all categories. Although a person may be nominated in more than one category, no person may be elected in more than one category. Provision shall be made in the bylaws to eliminate nominations in more than one category.
            After consideration of the number of nominees in each category, the Board, or its executive committee, shall determine the number of votes to be cast by each member of the Board for nominees in each category.
      Subject to the limitation on the number of honorees that may be elected in a particular category during a selection period, a nominee shall be elected as an honoree by receiving two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of the entire membership of the Board at a meeting regularly scheduled for such purposes. A nominee not receiving sufficient votes to be elected may be reconsidered and renominated in a subsequent selection period.
   (f)   Plaques for Honorees. The six (6) categories of honorees shall be appropriately designated in the Hall of Fame in the WesBanco Arena. A suitable plaque shall be inscribed and placed in the proper category for each honoree elected to the Hall of Fame.
   (g)   Installation of Honorees. The Board shall arrange a proper ceremony for the installation of honorees elected during a selection period or within a reasonable time thereafter.
      (Ord. 15332. Passed 10-15-19.)