(a) The actual conduct of every examination shall be under the responsible direction of the Commission, or its designated agents, free from interference, participation or influence of the appointing officer or any person other than the Commission or examiners appointed by the Commission.
(b) The Commission shall expect the heads of departments to furnish a specific and comprehensive statement in writing as to the requirements of any position for which an examination may be conducted so as to provide a basis to guide and assist the Commission in the preparation of the examinations.
(c) Seventy percent (70%) of the possible score of any examination will be required to place the name of an applicant upon the eligible list, unless otherwise specified by the Commission.
(d) The Commission shall, whenever in its judgment the interest of the public service requires, order a re-examination of applicants for any posting and shall correct, amend or revoke any documentation where it appears that an error or injustice has been done. The reason for such action shall be recorded in full in the minutes of the Commission, and the amended list shall be posted at the office of the City Clerk.
(e) When examinations are to be scored in-house, each applicant shall fill out and sign an identification sheet, giving his/her name and address and such other information as may be required, and seal the same in an official envelope bearing an identification number. All examination papers turned in by an applicant shall bear the same number at the top as appears on the envelope containing the identification sheet. At the beginning of the examination, the identification envelopes shall be placed in a sealed package, which shall not be opened until all the papers have been marked. Any paper bearing the name of the applicant or any other identification mark shall be rejected and the applicant so notified.
(Ord. 11599. Passed 7-21-98.)