The duties of the Human Resources Director are:
(a) To attend the meetings of the Civil Service Commission, to act as its secretary and to record its official actions.
(b) To administer the rules and regulations, under the direction of the Commission; to propose amendments thereto for the consideration of the Commission.
(c) To ascertain and record the duties and responsibilities appertaining to all positions in the classified service and classify such positions in the manner consistent with the Job Classification Committee guidelines.
(d) Under the supervision and direction of the Commission, to provide for, formulate and hold competitive tests to determine the relative qualifications of persons who seek employment in any class of position and as a result thereof, establish eligible and re-employment lists for the various classes of positions.
(e) Keep such records as may be necessary for the proper administration of the Civil Service Code.
(f) Make investigation concerning the administration and effect of the Civil Service Code and the rules thereunder and report the findings and recommendations to the Commission.
(g) Make an annual report to the Civil Service Commission prior to the close of the fiscal year, including an estimate of expenses for the coming fiscal year, so as to provide the Commission with the information to make the annual report.
(Ord. 11599. Passed 7-21-98.)