Every position or employment, unless filled by reinstatement, reduction or transfer, shall be filled in the following manner:
   Vacancies in positions in the classified service shall be filled so far as practicable by in- house applicants. Filling positions shall be based upon the merit to be approved by tests approved by the Civil Service Commission and upon the superior qualifications of the person promoted, as shown by his/her education, experience, performance record and work history.
   The appointing officer shall notify the Civil Service Commission of any vacancy in the service which he/she desires to fill and shall request the certification of eligibles. The Commission shall certify, from the eligible or employment list, the names of the three persons who received the highest rank at preceding examinations.
   The Department and/or Division Head, respective supervisor (if applicable) and the Human Resources Director shall interview the three applicants and recommend to the Appointing Authority the most qualified individual(s) for the vacancy.
   The appointing officer shall, in his/her discretion, make an appointment from the three names so certified. Should the appointing officer reject a higher ranked individual for a lower ranked individual, then he/she shall advise the Commission of his/her decision and reasons therefor.
   As each subsequent vacancy occurs in the same or another position, precisely the same procedure shall be followed; provided, however, that after any name has been three times rejected in the same list, the name shall be stricken from the list. When there are a number of positions of the same kind to be filled at the same time, each appointment shall be made separately and in accordance with the foregoing provisions. If the number of eligibles on any eligible list is less than three, then those so remaining may be certified and appointments may be made therefrom, until the list is exhausted.
   When an appointment is made under the provisions of this section, it shall be for the probationary period of six months, as provided in Section 159.14. Immediate report in writing shall be given to the Commission by the appointing officer, and/or by such other persons as may be designated by the Commission, of all appointments, reinstatements, vacancies, absences or other matters affecting the status of positions or the performance of duties of employees classified under the provisions of this article and all such notices shall be prepared in the manner and form prescribed by the Commission.
(Ord. 11599. Passed 7-21-98.)