(a)   Standards. All planting and maintenance of municipally owned public trees shall conform to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A-300 "Standards for Tree Care Operations " and shall follow all tree care Best Management Practices (BMPs) published by the International Society of Arboriculture.
   (b)   Requirements of Franchise Utility Companies. The maintenance of public trees for utility clearance shall conform to all applicable utility industry standards.
   (c)   Preferred Species List. The City shall maintain an official list of do not plant tree species for planting on municipally owned public property. This list should be reviewed periodically for species of concern and kept on file at the Public Works Department and the Assistant City Manager.
   (d)   Planting Distances. The Tree Board shall develop and maintain an official set of spacing requirements for the planting of trees on municipally owned public property. No tree may be planted within the visibility triangle of a street intersection, street and/or traffic/directional signs, or within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant.     
   (e)   Planting Trees under Electric Utility Lines. Municipally owned public trees should not be planted which will interfere with overhead utility wire.
(Ord. 15867. Passed 4-18-23.)