(a)   Floodway.
      (1)   Within any Floodway Area (F1), no encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, or other development shall be permitted unless it has been demonstrated through Hydrologic and Hydraulic (H&H) analysis performed in accordance with standard engineering practice that the proposed encroachment would not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge. The resultant engineering study shall include a cover letter, signed and sealed by the responsible professional, providing a statement of findings in basic terms. In addition, studies, analyses, computations, etc., shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough technical review by the Floodplain Manager.
      (2)   Because Floodways present increased risk to human life and property due to their relatively faster and deeper flowing waters the Floodways shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible.
         A.   New development shall not be permitted in the Floodway where reasonable alternatives exist elsewhere as determined by Floodplain Manager. In addition to the requirements below the applicant shall demonstrate that there are no reasonable alternatives other than the Floodway encroachment before a permit is issued.
          B.   When the Floodway is the only reasonable alternative the applicant shall demonstrate that the Floodway encroachment is the minimum necessary to accomplish the project.
         C.   All permitted uses, activities, and development shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the flood proofing and related provisions contained herein, and in all other applicable Federal and State Law, Ordinances and Regulations.
         D.   When small, single lot development (not incorporating significant amounts of fill) is proposed in a special flood hazard areas for which no regulatory floodway has been designated, a regulatory floodway may, at the discretion of the Floodplain Manager, be determined to be a width equal to the channel of the stream and the adjacent land areas to a distance of one half the width of the special flood hazard area as measured from the top of the bank nearest the site to the upland limit of the one percent (1%) annual chance SFHA boundary.
   (b)   AE Zone Without Floodway Area. Within any AE Zone Without Floodway Area, no new construction or development shall be allowed unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the elevation of the 100 year flood more than one (1) foot at any point.
   (c)   Approximated Floodplain (Zone A). Within any Floodplain Area:
      (1)   The Floodplain Manager shall use elevation and floodway information from Federal, State, or other acceptable sources when available to determine the elevation above which development will be reasonably safe from flooding.
      (2)   When data from an acceptable source is not available, the Floodplain Manager shall review, or shall cause to be reviewed; all proposed development to determine (1) the amount being invested and (2) the specific flood risk at the site. The Floodplain Manager shall then require the applicant to determine the elevation above which the development and adjacent properties including but not limited to existing buildings will be reasonably safe from flooding using H&H analyses or other techniques. When H&H analyses are required, they shall only be prepared by a registered professional engineer who shall certify that the methods used correctly reflect currently accepted technical concepts. The resulting study shall include a cover letter, signed by the responsible professional, providing a statement of findings in basic terms. In addition, studies, analyses, computations, etc. shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough technical review by the Floodplain Manager.
      (3)   Any development and/or use of land shall be permitted provided that all such uses, activities and/or development shall be undertaken in strict compliance with this floodplain ordinance and related provisions contained herein and in all other applicable Federal and State Laws, Ordinances and Regulations.
      (4)   Within any approximated Floodplain Zone (Zone A) without Floodway Area, no new construction or development shall be allowed unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative impact of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the elevation of the 100 year flood more than one (1) foot at any point.
      (5)   When Advisory Flood Height Data is available, this data will be utilized to assist in permitting and regulating development within the Special Flood Hazard Area.
   (d)   Alteration or Relocation of a Stream.
      (1)   Whenever a developer intends to alter or relocate a stream within the special flood hazard area the developer shall notify in writing, by certified mail, the City of Wheeling's Floodplain Manager, the State Coordinating Office, any adjacent communities and any adjacent property owners of all such intended activities prior to the alteration or relocation of the stream. Copies of all required notifications must be submitted to FEMA. In addition, prior to issuing the local permit the Floodplain Manager shall require copies of all necessary permits from those governmental agencies from which Federal or State Law requires approval
       (2)   The developer shall also assure the City of Wheeling, in writing, that the flood carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of the stream will be maintained. The Floodplain Manager may require the applicant to demonstrate that the altered or relocated portion of stream will provide equal or greater conveyance than the original stream segment. If H&H analyses are required, they shall only be undertaken by a registered professional engineer, who shall certify that the methods used correctly reflect currently accepted technical concepts. The resulting study shall include a cover letter, signed by the responsible professional, providing a statement of findings in basic terms. In addition, studies, analyses and computations shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough technical review by the Floodplain Manager.
      (3)   Alteration of a stream includes placement of temporary or permanent culverts, bridges or other stream crossings. The Floodplain Manager may require the use of certain “best practice” techniques in the construction of bridges, culverts or stream crossings to prevent damage, loss of stream crossings and localized flooding caused by blockage. These techniques may include, but are not limited to, wing walls, trash grates or requiring openings to be of sufficient size to pass debris and/or anticipated future increases in flood heights.
      (4)   All new and replacement bridges, culverts and other stream crossings shall adhere to the relevant anchoring requirements contained in this article.
      (5)   The developer is required to provide the County and City of Wheeling a legal agreement detailing all scheduled inspections and maintenance to be performed on altered or relocated watercourses including culverts, bridges and other stream crossings. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to transfer the agreement to the purchaser when the land associated with the watercourse alteration is transferred. A copy of all new agreements shall be provided to the Floodplain Manager. Failure to transfer the agreement and provide a signed copy to the Floodplain Manager shall subject the violator to the penalties set forth in Section 1765.08(d).
         (Ord. 15476. Passed 10-20-20.)