(a)   All members of the Commission shall serve without compensation and funds, if any, provided for purposes of support of the Commission are to be budgeted and approved by City Council. The Commission shall prepare a budget for each fiscal year setting forth its proposed receipts, expenditures and special projects. The Commission may request Council for the funds necessary to balance its budget for each fiscal year. Such amount as may be approved by Council may be available to the Commission for its expenses and to support the purposes of the Commission during each fiscal year. The Commission shall seek approval of any and all expenditures, which may be requested, from the Office of the City Manager.
   (b)   In addition to the funds, if any, received from the City budget, the Commission may also receive contributions from individuals, corporations, associations, foundations or other charitable organizations and may apply for and receive grants from Federal or State agencies for the purposes of the Commission established in accordance with the provisions of this article. (Ord. 15450. Passed 9-15-20.)