(a)   The Commission shall adopt bylaws, with the assistance and advice of the City Legal Department, and subject to the approval of Council for the orderly operation of the Commission in accordance with the purposes of this Article. As provided for in the City Charter, the Mayor is the Chairman of this Commission. The Vice-Chairperson shall be by appointment by the Mayor and shall have the authority to chair meetings in the Mayor's absence and such shall be recited in the by-laws. The Commission may designate the City Clerk for the purpose of creating minutes of the meetings and facilitating correspondence as needed.
   (b)   Members of the Commission shall receive no salary but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties if Council has provided a budget of funds for such purposes and if there has been approval received in advance for such reimbursement.
(Ord. 15450. Passed 9-15-20.)