The employees of the City are divided into the unclassified and classified service.
   (a)   The unclassified service shall comprise those positions deemed to be appointed or otherwise exempt pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and such positions include but are not limited to the following:
      (1)   City Manager, City Clerk and Finance Director.
      (2)   Assistant City Manager, Public Works Director, City Engineer, Fire Chief, Police Chief, City Solicitor, Assistant City Solicitor, Judge of Municipal Court, Clerk of Municipal Court, Recreation Director, Public Safety Dispatch Director, Economic and Community Development Director, Economic and Community Development Assistant Director, Building Codes Official, Building Inspector, Housing Codes Official, Marketing/Community Relations Specialist, WPCD Superintendent, Water Superintendent, Operation Superintendent, Human Resources Director and Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, Planning Administrator, Utility Accounting and Revenue Supervisor, Water Treatment Plant Manager, Solid Waste Supervisor, Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor and Assistant Finance Director.
      (3)   Such persons filling part-time or temporary budgeted positions.
   (b)   The classified service shall include all other employment positions now existing or to be created which are deemed to be non-exempt pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
(Ord. 14813. Passed 5-17-16.)
   (c)   Status of persons appointed to unclassified position while serving in classified position:
      (1)   Any person appointed after May 13, 1992 to one of the positions in the unclassified service mentioned in subsections (a)(1) or (2) hereof shall not be retained as a classified member in his/her previous position.
      (2)   Any person appointed prior to May 13, 1992 to one of the positions in the unclassified service mentioned in subsections (a)(1) or (2) hereof, who served in the classified service at the time of appointment to the unclassified position shall, upon termination of tenure in the office in the unclassified service, be retained as a classified member of the department in which the member served prior to appointment and in the same capacity in which the member previously served without loss of seniority rights, Civil Service status or pension rights, providing that the member was in good standing at the time of the termination of the unclassified tenure.
(Ord. 12985. Passed 9-21-04.)