Any regular full-time employee who is a member of the active reserve forces of any branch of the military service of the United States shall be entitled to military leave in addition to annual leave, as provided in West Virginia Code 15-1F-1, which provides for field training or active service for a maximum period of thirty working days in any one calendar year ordered or authorized under provisions of State law. While on military leave, the employee shall be entitled to receive his/her normal salary or compensation from the City, notwithstanding the fact that an employee may receive other compensation from Federal sources during the period of leave. However, no annual leave or sick leave may accrue during such service. Any employee shall be required to submit an order or statement in writing from the appropriate military officer in support of a request for military leave. Any officer or employee ordered or called to active duty by the President of the United States shall be entitled to an additional leave of absence for a maximum period of thirty working days. Any officer or employee of the City requesting such leave shall notify his/her immediate supervisor immediately and request such leave.
(Ord. 11997. Passed 3-7-00.)
(Ord. 11997. Passed 3-7-00.)