(a) The owner is responsible to assure that backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested upon installation and at least every 12 months thereafter. This periodic testing shall be performed by a WVBPH certified tester. This testing will be done at the owner's expense. All reports of such shall be sent to the City of Wheeling Water Department.
(b) Any backflow preventer assembly that fails during a periodic test will be repaired or replaced. When repairs are necessary, upon completion of the repair the backflow preventer assembly will be retested at owner's expense to insure correct operation. High hazard situations will not be allowed to continue unprotected if the backflow preventer assembly fails the test and cannot be repaired immediately. In other situations, a compliance date of not more than thirty (30) days after the test date will be established. The owner is responsible for spare parts, repair tools, or a replacement device. Parallel installation of two (2) devices is an effective means of the owner insuring that uninterrupted water service during testing or repair of devices and is strongly recommended when the owner desires such continuity.
(c) Backflow prevention assemblies will be tested more frequently than specified in A. above, in cases where there is a history of test failures and the City of Wheeling Water Department feels that due to the degree of hazard involved, additional testing is warranted. Cost of the additional tests will be borne by the owner. (Ref. 64 WV CSR 15-4,8)
(Ord. 15129. Passed 7-3-18.)