Certain provisions of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Wheeling found in this Article, being Part Thirteen-Planning and Zoning Code were adopted pursuant to the authority granted to the municipality under the Pilot home Rule authority found in West Virginia Code § 8-1-5a passed by the West Virginia Legislature in 2007. Therefore, any actions begun during the Pilot Program period, pursuant to Ordinances adopted by the municipality under its Home Rule Authority, shall remain in full force and effect throughout all proceedings initiated within the five (5) year initial time frame given to the Pilot Home Rule municipalities to enact legislation. Similarly, should any future deadline be set by the legislature for the extinguishing of the Pilot Home Rule Authority found in West Virginia Code § 8-1-5a, all proceedings or actions exercising the Home Rule Authority found in said section initiated prior to such deadline shall remain in full force and effect throughout such proceedings or actions. Should the legislature extend the Home Rule Authority so that the initial period of five (5) years does not sunset, then the powers of the City of Wheeling pursuant to its Home Rule Authority and the provisions adopted under such authority shall continue and remain in full force and effect.
(Ord. 13779. Passed 5-19-09.)